Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 20yearfader

    I think punk it's because there is no god,i think back on the many whippings i got as a jw kid.My father had a saying right before he would beat me he would say the only way i'll let you off is if jehovah sends an angel down here to interceed in your behave.Needless to say one never appeared the seeds of doubt were planted......1 more thing if 2 little citys could capture the attention of god so that he destroyed them,what about all the millions of people that perished praying to him...still no action.could it be there's no one on the other line?hmm

  • objectivetruth

    Great Find endof! I'm going to have to research this more.. I think it's significant.

    A few things catch my attention :

    Ezekiel 31:9 I made it beautiful, with abundant foliage, And all the other trees of E′den, the garden of the true God, envied it.’

    (The first century congregation was beautiful because of God & Jesus)

    Ez 31:10 lifting its top among the clouds, and its heart became arrogant because of its height.

    Genesis 11:4 "Come! Let us build a city for ourselves and a tower with its top in the heavens"

    The waters are likely Humans based on Revelation 17:15

    Ezek 31:11 I will hand it over to the mighty ruler of the nations. He will surely act against it, and I will reject it for its wickedness.

    This sounds like Revelation 17:17

    Ezek 31:13 All the birds of the sky will live on its fallen trunk, and all the wild animals of the field on its branches.

    Revelation 18:2 dwelling place of demons and a place where every unclean spirit and every unclean and hated bird lurks!

    it appears to me anyways that this tree is Babylon the Great / Christendom

    Perhaps the other trees in Verse 9 are other religions?

  • objectivetruth

    As for the Tree of Life.. I'm not sure.

    We know that eating of the tree possibly granted immortality "eat and live forever".

    Considering Revelation 22:12 as well.. The leaves of the trees of life are what heal the nations.

    As you mentioned.. Perhaps the Tree of life does allude to the Word of God through Jesus. John 6:68

    I can't help but to keep thinking about this passage in Enoch.. ( I have no idea the accuracy of Enoch, whether it was inspired or written by a fallen angel, or completely fabricated)

    68:9 The name of the fourth is Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness;

    68:10 And pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom.

    68:11 He taught men to understand writing, and [the use of] ink and paper.

    68:12 Therefore numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day.

    68:13 For men were not born for this, thus with pen and with ink to confirm their faith;

    68:14 Since they were not created, except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure.

    68:15 Nor would death, which destroys everything, have effected them;

    68:16 But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also [its] power consumes [them].

  • punkofnice

    20yearfader - Bugger! I am sorry you had to suffer that as a result of deluded religious arrogance.

    It just proves that belief in 'god' is the cause of much violence. If I were 'god' I wouldn't stand for that....just proves old imaginary sky being doesn't exist.

  • truthseeker

    I do believe in God for my own personal reasons, but I have no explanation for why he has abandoned this planet.

    When the Daniel's prophecy book was released in 1999, I couldn't wait to find out information on the "King of the North" and the end times prophecy. I thought there would be new information. There was not.

    There was all the hype about the Millenium Bug that year. People were fearful something would happen.

    Then there was 9/11.

    Fast forward 13 years and here we are in 2014.

    None of us JWs and exJWS for one moment thought that we would be on this side of this system in the 21st century.

    The end was always near, but never here.

    Consider this:


    “There Will Come Ridiculers With Their Ridicule”

    6 Despite the urgency of the situation, most of earth’s inhabitants are not concerned about the approaching “day of Jehovah.” They mock and ridicule those who warn them of its imminent arrival. True Christians are not surprised by this. They remember the warning recorded by the apostle Peter: “You know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’”—2 Peter 3:3, 4.

    Since the time this scripture was written, both "the ridiculed and the ridculers" have been dead for 2,000 years.

    What are we to think?

    And that is why people have lost their faith in God, they see two milleniums have passed and there has been no intervention by God in Earth's affairs.

    I did start reading the series "Conversations with God" and found it to be a very interesting, alternative perspective for why God allows bad things to happen.

  • punkofnice


    I do believe in God for my own personal reasons, but I have no explanation for why he has abandoned this planet.

    I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for being reasonable.

    None of us JWs and exJWS for one moment thought that we would be on this side of this system in the 21st century.

    Oh yeah, ain't that the undisputed!!

    “There Will Come Ridiculers With Their Ridicule” ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’”—2 Peter 3:3, 4.

    Yes. Isn't that just another example of circular reasoning.....using the book to prove the book.

    Of course if I were a believer I'd be arguing the scripture meaning about 'promised presence' rather than 'armageddon(TM)'.

    I'm glad I'm over that now.

  • objectivetruth

    Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed toward us.

  • TTATTelder

    Any spirit in heaven could post on this thread right now and give instructions of where we all could see a miracle to prove to all of us their legitimacy.

    As a matter of fact, why doesn't someone in heaven write the name of god in the sky and make it stay there for like a month.

    Wouldn't that be easier than all this other crap.

  • Apognophos

    TTATTelder, then what would be the value of faith? How are people supposed to fairly decide whether or not to seek out God if the proof that he exists is forced on them? Oh wait, God performed miracles all the time in the old days? And then Jesus performed miracles 2000 years ago? I guess God decided to make the test harder as time went on. He must not like modern people very much.

  • cofty

    then what would be the value of faith?

    What is the value of faith anyway?

    The bible is full of god proving his existence to humans. "The demons believe and shudder..".

    The issue was never faith that god exists, that is a modern dilemma. The issue was always whether humans would grovel at his feet.

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