Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Miss.Fit

    Cofty: I am starting to think faith is over rated. Do you think we might grovel better if we saw evidence of God's mighty power?

    All: What kind of actions would you like to see? And do you think anyone would believe it was for real? Would it make a difference?

  • cofty

    I fail to see any value in faith at all. It is one of religion's greatest tricks to turn belief without evidence from a vice into a virtue.

    The more deficient the evidence and the stronger the belief the greater the virtue. Its just weird.

  • bohm

    Miss.fit: to take a biblical example, if prayer actually worked* that would convince me.

    *by worked i simply mean it could be tested to the same extend of any other phenomena like magnetism or gravity.

  • cofty

    What kind of actions would you like to see?

    God's existence was never questioned in the prescientific world. As superstition has retreated it is now only rational to withold belief in the supernatural.

    A god could have saw this day coming and left a message for us in the DNA of all living things. Despite the fatuous claims of Behe & co the code does not contain any information, that is simply a metaphor for chemistry doing its thing. But a god with foresight could have left real information in the code, he could have signed his work.

    Imagine the exact same message from the almighty in every cell of every living thing.

  • Miss.Fit

    Bohm: If you don't have enough faith your prayers won't be answered.

  • prologos

    cofty, just two macro/astronomy coincidences that could be intrepeted as a sneaky 'plant' from somebody out there.

    1) in the spacing of the planets, when brought to the smallest integres, the earth rates as 10, (count the digits.)

    2) the apparent size of moon &sun are close at present. There is a lunar ecclipse near memorial time this year too.

    I said co- incidences (or not)

    The creator seems to like success and this a very successful solar system, stable for 4+ billion years.

  • Miss.Fit

    PROLOGOS :I think god could have managed something a little more obvious. I like ttat elders idea about a writing in the sky. But I think people would still find a way to explain it away.

  • prologos

    Miss.fit. of course. Lovers have hired sky-writing planes to spell "Will you marry me"? inside a big smoke - generated heart.

    Of course the Bode law can be explained away. it is a co-incidence. If you have an infinite number of MULTIVERSES, one star-planet system has to have that match+ life to appreciate it.

  • lriddle80

    Because in this country we basically have a lack of faith. Jesus did not do miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith. On the other hand, in other countries, there are miracles happening because, since they have not heard the gospel and believe in crazy nonsense, God has to speak loudly to be able to move those people. I have heard firsthand stories and it is amazing! I would love to see that! God is real, though, make no mistake!!

  • Miss.Fit

    Iriddle80: I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense to me..

    It would seem like the ones without faith would need the proof to inspire the faith.

    Also , you say you heard 1st hand accounts but did not witness them yourself. What proof did they have that the miracle happened?

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