Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    I was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance. Ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).

    Jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.

    It seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking snake......global flood.

    There are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it. (Cuckoo!!!)

    Why doesn't imaginary sky daddy do anything tangible now (make his existance obvioous beyond doubt)? Why has he stopped (not that I believe he started..?

  • Comatose

    The further along knowledge and technology developed, the less we heard from god. Funny thing...

  • cantleave

    He expects us to see with eyes of faith.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Tangible isn't in his budget.

    Intangible is a lot cheaper to produce.

  • KateWild

    Why doesn't imaginary sky daddy do anything tangible now? - Punky

    God is too busy creating things to bother about the suffering of humans, animals and other creations. God is indifferent IMO. Kate xx

  • confusedandalone

    Either God is non-existent (most likely) or as Kate says he is too busy creating things to worry about the other things he has made that are fallng to pieces.

    Either way he is a useless sack of crap and deserves no thought to be given regarding his existence of lack thereof. WHy bother trying to be concerned with the day to day function of someone who give no fucks about you


    The lazy layabout is preoccupied stuffing himself on ambrosia and making sure the virgins that went to heaven keep their lamps well oiled. When he does take a break, he argues with Satan about how well he will run the world when the devil’s term in office is over - any day now!

  • punkofnice


    Either way he is a useless sack of crap and deserves no thought to be given regarding his existence of lack thereof.

    I nod my head in agreement.

  • sspo

    He's a god of love...too busy loving himself and not be preoccupied with little humans.

    And if you don't give him the love he needs and wants........... he'll kill you.

  • confusedandalone

    Isnt it funny that he doesnt care enough to help anyone but he apparently cares enough to kill people for not being perfect little angels.

    These old desert stories are so lame

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