Will this Memorial be our last?

by pixel 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    let us assume that the whole wt story is true. Can you imagine seeing the fruit of the ransom (the cup of the new covenant) being applied by

    Regrowing limbs, resurrections, vegetarian lions -- and not celebrating THE DAY/NIGHT anniversary when the foundation for that miracle work was laid low?

    who says The memorial thanksgiving would stop before* Armageddon?

    Jesus would not "ARRIVE" for those on earth like the man dying beside him, until the job of redemption is done,-- at the end of the millenium?

    and he served the bread&wine to the OS class himself. ( all "anointed" came, still come today** OUT of the OS)

    WT writers are not only manipulative,

    they are also WRONG doctrine foolish not wise.

    *fresh light is, that the confirmed anointed, = GB FADS, will be gone before the battle begins.

    ** see the increasing partaker nrs.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Last year was our last! Yippee!

    I will have to use this March info with still in family, discreetly, lol.

  • jonahstourguide

    • Good point prologos

      We been observing it all through the "great tribulation we never had"

      and now somebody reckons it wont be observed at the end of a hundred years.

      buggered if I know

  • Bobcat

    Copied (in part) from this thread. It includes some comments regarding "until he arrives." The bolded material is directly from the Memorial outline. The rest is my commentary on those statements in the outline.

    The Lord's Evening Meal will be observed as long as Christians with the heavenly hope are on earth [Read1 Corinthians 11:26]

    Based on the false premise that only certain Christians were commanded to keep the ceremony.

    Ask, 'Why is this not spelled out in the NT? How do you go from the simple, "Keep doing this . . .," to the complicated 'who should/who shouldn't' that is in this outline? This smacks of a "tradition of men" that serves to nullify the clear command of God's Word. (Mt 15:3)

    In WT parlance, "Keep doing this . . ." means 'Attend the Memorial meeting to passively observe.'

    Once the Lord "arrives," he will take the last of the 144,000 home to be with him in heaven (Joh 14:1-3)

    Those with the earthly hope will no longer observe the Memorial

    Will not partake of the emblems then, so do not partake now

    Simple assertion. But constructed from several other falsehoods: That only 144,000 are ever anointed. That only they are instructed to partake, although the NT does not contain any such instruction.

    "Arrives" in the NWT at 1 Cor 11:26 is the same word translated "comes" in 1 Cor 4:5. Notice what happens when "the Lord comes":

    (1 Corinthians 4:5) . . .Hence do not judge anything before the due time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring the secret things of darkness to light and make the counsels of the hearts manifest, and then each one will have his praise come to him from God.

    The 'Lord's coming' involves not just taking some to rule with him but also setting things straight among all mankind, some of whom will then "have his praise come to him from God," indicating a good outcome. This stretches the action associated with 'the Lord's coming' all the way out to the end of the 1000 year reign, after which he hands over the Kingdom to God.

    Incidentally, "until" does not necessarily have the same meaning we might normally associate with it in English. For example, Matthew 28:20 says, "I am with you until the conclusion of the age." The phrase does not mean he stops being with them after "the conclusion of the age" has arrived. He is also with them afterwards. (Compare 1 Thess 4:17)

    But concerning "until he comes (or "arrives")" in 1 Cor 11:26, The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek NT has this comment:

    Achris ("until") ou ("when") elthe (aorist subjunctive active of erchomai, "to come"). Subjunctive may have an affinity with a final clause, with the idea "until the goal is reached, that is till he comes."

    This comment, like 1 Cor 4:5, shows that the idea of Jesus' 'coming' is not just a point in time event, but involves a wide range of activity involving mankind then alive and those to be brought back to life.


    If the memorial is in recognition of the new covenant, and the new covenant is for all those hoping to gain everlasting life (John 6:53, 54), then, it would stand to reason that the memorial will be observed until that goal is reached. The 144,000 are just a small part of a much larger picture that is effected by the giving of Jesus' 'flesh' and the 'blood of the new covenant' which the bread and wine symbolize.

    Also consider that "forgiveness of sins" (Mt 26:28) in NT doctrine is closely related to everlasting life and abolishing death, which is the last enemy removed before Jesus' hands over his kingdom (1 Cor 15:26) This too argues that the symbolic Lord's Evening Meal will continue until what it symbolizes is brought to a completion.

  • Oubliette

    Could be, just like all the previous ones!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i don't know if it'll be my last. i still attend every memorial, sit in the back, play angry birds on my phone and encourage my son to be noisy. sometimes i go to a restaurant with the less zealous JWs afterwards.

  • Phizzy

    I attended my last in 2008. It is a total cock-up as a so-called Chrisitian celebration.

    Of course all believers should partake, JW's more often than not, some argue always, get it arranged for the wrong day, and anyway it is doubtful it was only a once a year thing for the early Christians.

    It is more like a Satanic Mass than a christian festival, for one thing it is so mournful and miserable.

    Nobody should go who cares about Jesus Christ and about Truth.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Thanks Likeabird.

    I'm putting together a " Why it isn't the Truth" packet (both printed and electronic versions) filled with information like this. I keep the printed version by the front door ready for when I get an unscheduled caller who wants to show me the error of my ways. You don't have to argue or say anything....their own literature speaks for it's self.

  • d

    The last one I wen to was in 2008. Man times flies.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    It will be the "last" memorial for many thinking JWs...

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