i wish more churches would preach truth like this

by unstopableravens 258 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane

    Because, Cofty, they have nothing but an ambiguous book and their feelings to go on. I suppose it would be nice if they could perform some type of independently verfiable experiment, like this one...


  • cofty

    they have nothing but an ambiguous book and their feelings to go on

    Indeed. You would have thought god could explain important things clearly. Great teacher my arse!

  • tec

    People disagree on what Christ and God meant... because not all people are listening to Christ, and Christ alone. But rather also to men, tradition, religion, doctrines, all of which pass down from previous lack of knowledge/understanding. Sometimes people also don't understand, and so do not have an accurate understanding of the truth... and so discussion can help them SEE and HEAR the truth... in light OF the Truth (Christ).

    Christ does not give His sheep conflicting knowledge. Truth does not contradict itself. But not everyone listens to His voice who claims to be a christian. That is why every claim can and should be tested against the Light... who is Christ, Truth.

    I mean... you know all of this already. AT least you should if you ever actually WERE listening to Him yourself. Right? Christ Himself warned that false teachers would rise up among them... to mislead many. Including trying to mislead even the elect among them. Those false teachings are still around, and many believe them as true because they are accepted, traditional, believed by many, etc. So there is that whole forewarning thing again... no one's fault but your own if you didn't actually believe Him... becasue you weren't actually listening to HIM.. when you were a believer, that is, and claiming to know Him.



  • cofty

    People disagree on what Christ and God meant because...

    And every christian could complete that sentence in their own way. Tammy and her voice-hearing cult, evangelicals, Calvinists, Charismatics, Congregationalists, etc etc

    Didn't Jesus say something about everybody being one?

  • tec

    I will repeat... Didn't he say something about false teachers and false christs?

    And no, actually, he did not say anything about everybody being one.

    Everyone in HIM would be one. His sheep. But not everyone is in Him or belongs to Him, not even among those who call Him Lord. You knew that too, though. Right?

    So what difference does it make that anyone can complete that sentence however they want. CHRIST said that false prophets/christs/teachers would rise up among them... wolves in sheeps clothing (which by definition would be someone who LOOKS like one of His sheep, but is NOT one of His sheep; and those ones misleading others who are listening to them)



  • jgnat

    The Nicene creed is pretty clear. Advocate to the creed and you are an orthodox Christian. Don't and you are something else.

    My pastor had this revelation while involved in a city prayer group of fellow pastors. On the big stuff they agreed. On the little stuff (when and where communion) they couldn't.

  • myelaine

    Tammy said: "Again, please consider what this wrath actually is... not what man has invented"...the wrath of God is to punish sin. unless your sin is COVERED by the blood (the result of the Father's punishing wrath) of Jesus Christ, as Jesus said "you will die in your sin" john 8:24...the sin of THAT person doesn't cease to exist...that sin is an indelible stain linked to that person at their death. That is why in daniel 12:2 the scripture talks about the rigtheous and the unrightous being resurrected..not the sinless and the sinner. Those resurrected are the ones who have died in their sin. In God's ove and mercy they are resurrected to hear the gospel with a view to their repentance and salvation. Daniel 12:3.

    the one to initiate talk about eternal hell in torment was Jesus. He saves us from hell, the place of eternal punishment/torment where those resurrected (who don't have their sin cleansed by the blood of the Lamb) reside...in darkness away from the presence of God. God didn't create hell it was "created" by it's citizens...it was their choice...john 3:17-19

    love michelle

  • tec

    You can try answering the questions/points from the previous posts too if you like, Michelle.



  • myelaine

    I have answered questions before on previous threads, Tammy. The answers I've given from the bible using context and continuity are different than the voice you hear. Even the words of Jesus about hell in the bible are at variance to the voice you hear...I suspect that is because you hear someone else besides the real Christ. (I'm truely sorry that you haven't been brought by God to realization of this)

    In the interest of clarity and so that others don't keep mixing up the words of Jesus the Christ recorded in the bible with the words of the voice you hear...Why don't you constanty refer us to the full name you were given to use...it's more transparent of both you and your lord. (Unless you can think of some reason why you needn't be transparent)

    love michelle

  • Laika

    "I suspect that is because you hear someone else besides the real Christ. (I'm truely sorry that you haven't been brought by God to realization of this)"

    Lol. :)

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