if we don't all unite, we may win a few battles but Watchtower will win the WAR.

by excaliber 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Battle with the WT if you wish. I want a nice life. History makes me suspicious of anyone wanting a unfiied front. I believe individual, uncordinated action is the best way to constrain the WT. There is no way to topple it. All the happens is the new boss becomes the old boss. History ain't changed.

    Why must we fight the WT or wage war? Walking away is enough. It seems very presumptuous to believe that we need concerted action. We would be as bad as the WT. I suspect there are some people waiting iin the wings to lead us lowly folk.

  • adamah

    excaliber said-

    We would come together as individuals for a common cause, to wage war on The Watchtower. Yes we will fight a billion dollar corporation with 7 million members and we will prevail. The larger the organization the harder it is to protect and the easier it is to attack, while trying to attack us would be like hearding cats.

    Let me go out on a limb and just ask you a wild-ass question, I know, but have you recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia, or any mental condition which results in delusions of grandeur, paranoia, etc?

    See, the thing is, all the stuff you mentioned above are actions which the GB defines as the actions of apostates, so how do you counter their prophetic message by living up to the stereotype of 'mentally-ill individuals' who are filled with hatred and rage who stop at NOTHING to counter Jehoover's Earthly organization?

    Hint: you DON'T accomplish anything, but are actually working against your own goals, since it validates their words, and only drives JWs deeper inside after they see hateful acts and say, "See, the GB is RIGHT!". You should understand that: you're dealing with people who are legendary for their persecution complexes.

    So unless you're just looking for an excuse to pull juvenile pranks, it's a guaranteed recipe for failure; but you're free to tilt at those windmills (that is, as long as you remain legal: cross THAT line by engaging in graffiti of KHs, though, and all bets are off, since you then make others here look bad by your selfish actions).


  • cofty

    I am however trying to recruit people to take REAL action to the extent the law allows

    excaliber - What specifically do you have in mind?

  • excaliber

    Cofty I am so happy you asked. I personally have a lot of tactical operations I am currently working on. I don't think it is wise to post them all were wwatchtower could see. But you may be familiar with the group anonymous, if not check them out on YouTube. They specialize in internet activism, however I am focusing more on ground work not just mostly online.

    Someone here said they feel like people dont care, that they feel like we were just idiots for joining a cult anyway ( even thow a lot of us were born in and didn't have a choice) well brother that is both true and false, while I respect your view because you are obviously a very highly intelligent person. I must disagree because people care about the group anonymous, people more then care ...some love the group and want to join.

    I watched a video of anonymous going against the church of scientology and there were people cheering for them as they walked by. So while people in general may not care much about a few individuals posting on websites and YouTube. They will definitely care about a real live ORGANIZED activist group, in time a guarantee we would have people wanting to join us just to help us in our fight against controlling cults.... people will love us.

    I have an extremely effective tactic that you guys would love, there are ways to tell JWs TTATT in settings were they cant get away, they would HAVE to listen. And it would not involve anything illegal.

    I don't want to post it and then go out and do it. That may not be wise. But I would be happy to talk tactics with anyone who is serious about this. Just PM me

    Watchtower may seem like a giant, but they have some very large weaknesses.

  • Apognophos

    Whatever you're planning, keep in mind that direct confrontation with someone in a high control group makes them more likely to retreat into their beliefs. Trying to forcing them to learn TTATT is tantamount to taking someone's phobia and thrusting it in their face to try to cure them. However, JWs who are open to considering their beliefs critically will respond to something that is left with them to consider (like when we would leave literature in peoples' doors).

  • caliber

    excaliber.. I have a fondness for your name choice

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Your last post reminds me of Richard Nixon's secret plan to bring peace in Viet Nam. No, I do not buy into any confidential, secret plan. I grew up in protest movements. If you consider all such groups around the world, a lot of planning is involved. There are many drawbacks to concerted, large scale action. The biggest problem is the First Amendment which I don't see as a problem. The WT can go its way. My wish would be for people to be more sophsiticated about their rights. When people want to lead you, you should be very wary. I was disconcerted to see JW.org. It is spooky how it is window dressing the Witnesses to a general public. I was born-in. My reaction to adult converts is what did you expect would happen. JW.org opened up my mind that someone could join expecting an entirely different organization.

    When I try to provide legal information, I wish all Americans were better educated about our basic rights. I did not leave the WT to spend much time arguing with the WT. There are so many more important things to do in life. I have no crusade against the WT. Maybe I would if my immediate family were affected. Dramatic things worry me. I watch Whaling War on cable TV some times. Of course, I am on side of whales. Well, after last week's episode and the revelations that the captain was on Interpol's intercept list, I am not with Japanese whaling ships. There is a place for respecting your enemy.

    Of course, you may very well see a way that no one else has in the past. I doubt it. My remaining radical days will be spent on worthier causes. You see punyest. I doubt there is such a word. Another person could see tactical advantage. I heard about the Facebook problem this past year. Now someone wants us to sign up for more Facebook. When people exhorting me to join them and be led, I say I want to see you manage a small budget, respond to emails promptly, little itsy baby steps. The WT itself could not have planned such a violation of basic privacy rights. I don't need such help from friends. My enemies can do the same.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Good luck with what ever your planning.

  • Hortenzie

    I'm waging no wars. I wasted plenty of time on that crap already .

  • steve2

    The OP is a sincere but none the less naive and annoying rallying call not unlike that of JWs themselves when they hound the congregation to take a united stand against all that is pagan and of the churches of Christendom. This sort of panicked cry reeks of a simplistic take on how to be religious and get through life. Guess what? Life as it is lived in the here and now is messy, far from black and white and subject to endless well-intentioned speculations as to what "it" is all about. The most stringent pedant wins. Drop the urgency honey, credit us with active brain cells and get into the hustle and bustle of grown-ups who ain't driven by sloganeering and the ache to get everyone on board and in a row. Now, where did I leave the fly swat and skin protection?

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