if we don't all unite, we may win a few battles but Watchtower will win the WAR.

by excaliber 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    maybe it's like a cold war,,like for U.S.S.R. there was Radio Free Europe,,now we have Internet, hopefully the Information Age is utilized,, to help ones to understand why JWs doesn't truly help people, just uses people. If people are informed and learn, get educated they will take the info and grow and become 'independent' and less likely just 'follow' unquestionably ever again.

    If ones can grow at their pace, they will be less likely to be overwhelmed and resort back to an old comfort zone. 'Slowly' seems to work best. We don't want families and marriages destroyed. There are many sites,,some more pro-active,,some where ones can just come and talk it out,,or listen/read as others jspeak with their experiences. Support groups succeed as one talk through their experience and listen to others with similar experiences.

  • ekruks

    We are not Radio Free Europe.... we are a collection of CDs in a cupboard somewhere in an office block pretty much no one ever visits.

  • Simon

    We are not Radio Free Europe.... we are a collection of CDs in a cupboard somewhere in an office block pretty much no one ever visits.

    LOL - now THAT is the truth !

    The fact is, while the WTS was 'the world' for many of us, it's nothing more than a curiosity to the vast majority of the population.

    There have been occassions when things have hit the mainstream press and even TV programmes (many organised / helped by people on this very forum) but there is nothing about the JW religion to keep people interested.

    Blood? Shunning? No Christmas or birthdays? End of the world? WatchTower magazines?

    The majority of people just don't care because they are not affected. JWs are just a puchline when you need an annoying character in a joke.

    Heck, most JWs don't even care - people leave and get on with their lives.

    Why do some have this obsession with 'bringing the WTS down' and imagine that the one thing that is stopping it is getting the message out? You could have a prime spot in the middle of the superbowl and what would you tell people? What would be the message? How big of a collective yawn and puzzled "meh?" would you get in return?

    At least the Amish look and act weird so they get some TV programmes about them. But even then, do you see mass campaigns to save the Amish people or help end Amish oppression?

    No - most people watch the programme because they are a curiosity to them.

    You cannot force a message and action on people, they have to want it and I'm sorry but "some people convinced my to believe something so I made mistakes and think I was conned" simply results in "so what, you're own fault" from most people. It's like investing in a company that you do no research on and then complaining when you lost out. Why does anyone else care?

    Of course, to those affected directly it's everything, the entire world and god-dammit shouldn't the world be told?

    Well no, the world doesn't care.

    BUT ... what we can do it help anyone who IS bothered to do the research by posting our experiences so they can find the information and heed the warnings not to get involved. When people are searching for information then it's easily found.

    And if people are just waking up then they can search and find others who can help and support them as others helped and supported us when we were leaving.

    But seriously, people who think they are going to bring down the WTS and just need more media attention to make it happen are living on fantasy island.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Newbie posters nearly always want to bring the WT down.

    Then they get pissy with the old-timers who can't be arsed with it.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Man, Ekruks, like Simon I agree that's the truth, but wow is that kinda depressing. Cynically I laugh, but that kinda hurt.

    edit post : @ Tim Hooper. Like newly baptized JWs who weren't born in. So zealous for several months to upwards maybe a few years. Afterwards they go through the motions like any other halfhearted dub.

  • Dis-Member

    All war is a waste of time and energy and resources and life. You will also only end up hurting yourself or getting hurt.

    The only war I have ever been engaged in is with my own mind and feelings and the war to free myself from false ideas and false people. Once I have accomplished this. I have won my own personal war.

    Game over.

  • LisaRose

    There is no way to have an anti JW organization that is united without become that which we are fighting. This religion started out as attempt to fix the wrongs of mainstream churches, but in the process it became worse than them.

    The Watchtower forced us to give up our individual identity, and we have all worked very hard to get it back, to hard to give it up again for any goal, no matter how noble.

    So, thank you, but no.

  • Quarterback

    Leave them be. Blind guides is what they are. The Blind shall lead the blind, untill they hit that pole. Then they will say, " You should have stayed awake"

  • designs

    The Wt. is running their own internet discussion forums?

  • excaliber

    We would come together as individuals for a common cause, to wage war on The Watchtower. Yes we will fight a billion dollar corporation with 7 million members and we will prevail. The larger the organization the harder it is to protect and the easier it is to attack, while trying to attack us would be like hearding cats.

    This is not an authoritarian structure, there will be no rules to stop an individuals right to think for themselves. We can come together without an athoritarian figure for the common cause of freedom of individuality and the reuniting of families that The Watchtower has destroyed.

    The beautiful thing is that an individual can act autonomously if he or she wishes. We would be nothing like a religion, the watchtower has us thinking that individuals cannot come together without conformity or a belief system, we will prove them wrong.

    We would have no power hungry people involved because we would all be equals coordinating our efforts. I am only recruiting, not trying to boss anyone around or impose some sort of belief other then that The Watchtower should not be allowed to exist.

    I think all forums and other groups can continue doing what they are doing. I am however trying to recruit people to take REAL action to the extent the law allows, not just talking or acting a little rebellious but in a very true sence putting an end to the watchtower organization.

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