10 Years out of the JW Organization- What I've Learned ( For what it's Worth)

by flipper 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Dear flipper ... nice update on your 10 year experience,

    many emotions come up with the rememberance no



    Strange ...watchtower is so slick attaching such specialness

    to being slaves of 'jehova', infusing attitudes of arrogance

    & superiority to previously nice people... but at the same time

    the other side of their mouth spouts out our worthlessness, kindness

    is undeserved, just sheep (for slaughter), our hearts & minds

    are not trustworthy!........... in everything they say & do, there are

    these crazy making messages!


    So happy you made it out & now you are free!

    Much love & wishing you & Mrs flipper great happiness!

    Thanks for being you ....Merry Xmas :-)


  • DesirousOfChange

    Anyone else and I would have thought twice about reading a long post like this one.

    Yep, I agree with that one!

    Flipper, you never have aimless rambling posts. Always meaningful & sincere.

    And even after having moved on as you have, you are still here assisting new members.

    Many thanks!


  • rmt1

    I've recently taken up the habit of the toast on Friday nights when the wife and I head over to her friends' house. I'm a staunch disbeliever in a deity-type who holds deed and title over my moral choices, but I am absolutely comfortable indulging in a primitive superstition that the gods of thermodynamics ought to be recognized by marking the unqualified success of living through another week. And so I and the other guy raise a glass to the roof, the walls, and the 'floor' (countertop). It is a ritual far more satisfying than the weekly observations of servitude in the KH. And so, Flipper, I can say I'll toast you back when I get my hands on some beverage. It's good to be out of that living carnage. It is even better to be on your own road.

  • d

    Relgion is truly ugly and needs to be destroyed. I hate it with every fiber of my being.

  • Farkel


    :10 Years out of the JW Organization- What I've Learned ( For what it's Worth)

    You haven't learned a damn thing if you continue to have lunch with the likes of me, dummy.

    "Bad associations spoil useful habits and things like this." (It's in a Bible somewhere. I forget).

    Peace out. Wanna do mexican food again the next time?

    Mr. Farkel

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    This is SSN Locutus of Borg sufacing for a rare posting . .

    Flipper, line for line . . (after we quit cold turkey one July Sunday AM 17 years ago) . . . this matched my experience exactly. Thank you for posting that.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks so much for a truthful and perceptive post !

    It maybe an idea for all of us who have been out a while to do our own "What I have learned" post, maybe as an Anniversary arrives.

    The first thing I learned after I left, cold turkey like you Flip, was that not one of the Elders or MS cared one bit ! I was the best Meeiting attender at our Hall, always there, then one day I was gone. A couple of friends stopped by to see me, but not one "appointed" man. Shepherds they ain't !

    The other thing I quickly learned was that despite being in for nearly six decades, and being told we were well educated, I was abysmally and embarrassingly IGNORANT ! lacking knowledge about so, so much.

    I soon learned to enjoy and value my freedom, and learned that to be truly happy you cannot subject yourself to other men, even if you kid yourself you are only subjecting yourself to god.

    I was never truly happy until I left the W.T.

    As others have said, keep on posting Bro !

  • designs

    Accurate observation.

    Here's to healing

  • snare&racket

    Cheers flip xxx

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I enjoyed your post Flipper. I can relate to what you said and I too feel more enriched and at peace with myself. We too went cold turkey 17 months ago and although it was very difficult at first it has been very good now. I am not a born in but lost 30 years of my life to it and I was able to draw on my former life to get into the swing of normal life where my husband was a born in of 58 years and it has been more difficult for him. I think born ins have a harder time adjusting because that is all you know.

    I am copying this for him to read because he is going through a harder time because his Mom has been very cold to him. I have my familys support but he lost his dad and brother so he only has his mom and two nieces.

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