Why do so many think JW Religion is a Cult? (NO APOSTATES PLEASE)

by Brother Mike 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Comatose

    Dumbest post ever.

  • UBM101

    If JW is not a cult, why is there term "apostate" who must be regarded as mentally diseased in the first place?

  • UBM101

    Oh, by the way, I was never a JW, so me not "apostate"

  • rawe

    Hi Brother Mike,

    "My question is, Why do so many think the Watchtower Bible Tract Society is a Cult?"

    fwiw: I rarely use the word "cult", but rather refer to Jehovah's Witnesses as either "Jehovah's Witnesses" or "the faith" or "my former faith", etc. But this is just more of my writing & speaking habits more than anything else. Since most of my reflections on the faith are about the people and not the corporation, I also rarely use the full legal name as you have here.

    Your request for "no apostates" would basically preclude anyone posting here, since "apostate" literally means "stand away from" and posting here is at a minimum standing away from the direction from the society not to participate on sites like this, that sites like this are not required, anyone wishing accurate information on Jehovah's Witnesses online should be directed to jw.org[1] alone, etc. This was covered extensively in a Kingdom Ministry insert, even when I was in the faith (pre-2007).

    I think there are two reasons why folks use the word "Cult" in references to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. First, I think those who leave eventually find it cathartic to admit to themselves and others they were part of a "Cult" -- to look in the mirror and say "I was a cult member" can be a powerful moment of progress in leaving the faith behind. Secondly, having had a negative experience with the faith, many are motivated to warn others that Jehovah's Witnesses are not as benign as they may appear to be, if all one knows is a bit about them from a door-to-door call.



    [1] previously watchtower.org

  • braincleaned

    Who do the hell do you think you are to demande no apostates on an apostate site? You have no business to be here in the first place if you listened to your GB!

  • jgnat

    Not an apostate here. The WTS is a cult because there is no honorable way to leave. Current members are afraid to speak to exited Witnesses.

  • mauiboy

    Hi Mike, I can't speak for everyone here, just myself. My only desire for JW's is that they know what they are really involved in.Learn what goes on behind the scenes....I was a Dub for 50+ years; M.S., Elder, Book Study Conductor, TMS overseer, performed funerals, and just generally did everything a good JW brother would/should do. Then in 2002 I heard rumblings about the WT and the U.N. having some sort of relationship. I buried it for 5 years, but finally researched it, wrote to Brooklyn about it, and eventually found that I had been decieved, lied to, and duped about much more than just the U.N. --by the folks I trusted like family: The Jehovah's Witnesses and The Watchtower Society. OK, so now I know. Find out for yourself. Research it and every doubt or question you have. Do your diligence and then, trust your gut feelings. Just don't blunder along blindly anymore... Then, if you decide you still want to be a Jehovah's Witness, by all means, do so. With my (and probably plenty of other JW-N members) blessings. Just don't be ignorant of the facts, and know right now, the JW's aren't going to disclose anything. YOU, my friend, must find it out for yourself. This is a fine place to start.


    Here's a SURE way to get a JW ( or any other cult member) to reveal that he is actually under cult mind control. Ask them: 'Please name one doctrine espoused by your group that you Disagree with, and why?'. They WON'T be able to give an honest answer because they are REQUIRED to believe everything the cult teaches. An honest disagreement would require INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, which of course is discouraged by any cult. So, Brother Mike, can you name ONE JW doctrine or Bible interpretation that you, after much study and research, disagree with???? We are waiting......


    Brother Mike,

    You should be asking this question to the brothers and sisters in your congregation since we are all by WT definition "apostates". Why don't you go to one of the elders in your congregation, preferably your CBSO, and inquire. Mention that you were on this site and that you did not get satisfactory answers. Let us know how that works out.



    The very fact that Brother Mike has to come here to express himself freely, proves that he lives in a spiritual North Korea. In North Korea, even your mate can turn you in to the authorities. It's no different in the BORG.

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