Atheists know more about the bible!

by Comatose 157 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    tammy: sure, but does it still exist? I tried to google it the other day and didnt find anything

    Here you go:

    Peace to you,


  • adamah

    TEC said-

    I don't know... truly I do not... I learn from Christ, who DOES know, having been here from the beginning. Anyone... anyone... who wants to, can go to and learn from Him as well.I don't know... truly I do not... I learn from Christ, who DOES know, having been here from the beginning. Anyone... anyone... who wants to, can go to and learn from Him as well.

    So you don't know, but you know of a guy who DOES know.

    You're do realize you're trying to sell BS to a roomful of ex-BS salesmen, right?

  • tec

    I'm just not taking credit for myself, from what I have learned from someone else. That would be stealing... for one; and a lie... for two. But no... I don't know OF a guy who knows; I know THE guy who knows. So too can you or anyone who WANTS TO, also know Him.



  • cofty

    Please can everybody stop feeding the troll?

  • cofty

    If you have joined the forum in the past year or so you won't know that we have been through this many times.

    We have tried all sorts of challenges to the claims of voice hearing. Every evidence-based argument and logical approach has been attempted to no avail.

    At one time there were 6 or more clones all over the board hijacking every thread with the "just go to Jesus" mantra.

    Then it came to a climax and most of them left to form a new forum where they could reinforce each others delusions.

    Now Tammy is back hungering for attention and posting the same old stuff endlessly on multiple threads. She is controlled by her guru who no longer posts here - praise the lord.

    Please stop. Nobody will think of an argument or objection that hasn't been tried before.

    It is like trying to have an intersting converstation with adult friends while their children run around screaming "look at me".

    It is attention-seeking behaviour - the solution is simple.

  • bohm

    cofty, let His noodles fondle your heart and ponder that they have a daily hello-thread as the most active topic. after a month or two of hellos i kind of get why you would like some variation :-)

  • tec

    Well, that was an interesting message to all, Cofty... but I am sure that people can make up their own minds; having somehow managed to exit the wts or at the very least begin asking questions about its validity. Nothing I say OR you say, should be the basis for anyone's choices or beliefs.

    It is not about me or you. So whatever people think or do not think of me (or you) means nothing.

    My response on this thread did not have to have ANYTHING to do with hearing the Spirit, and could have been argued JUST from the bible, and so 'on-topic'... but others took 'it' there. Because of what THEY want to know; regardless of what you may want.



  • tec

    "My LORD refused to allow himself to be put to the test by the DEVIL. I follow HIS example and would not throw my 'pearls before swine'."


    I didn't say that, btw... Coma was poking fun I think, and made that up.

    Just to be clear, lol.



  • cofty

    My point was proven beyond doubt a few weeks ago when Tammy posted a strange Old Testament style pronouncement claiming the lord had told her to say it.

    I checked the voice-hearers forum and discovered that the guru had instructed her disciples to go and say the exact same thing a few hours earlier.

    Here it is...

    and the instructions from guru...

  • bohm

    Cofty: all i see is clear evidence jesus told them all the same thing, halleluja!

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