The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman

    TD, I have to STUDY what you write.

    REASON: Revelation 2:10 Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.

    What reason would there be for dying in the arena at all?


    Remove the heavenly reward and you remove the reason to be faithful.

    Heavenly Reward= Reason

    reason =purpose/reward

    faithful compare Hebrews 11:1 faith= reason 4 reward

    Since reward= Reason then if you remove the reward you remove the reason.

    No reward= No reason

  • flipper

    Fisherman- I don't think you replied or acknowledged my last post to you in which I asked you some thought provoking questions in which I'm curious to see your views on. And interested to see your views on what I wrote. Please reply to my last post on pg. 13 if possible. Thanks very much. Have a good day, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TD
    No reward= No reason

    I think it goes beyond a simple one to one correspondency. Like I've said, Christians don't serve God just for the reward. (Or at least they're not supposed to.)

    At the same time though, the clear implication in the lack of a reward is that God simply doesn't care. Again, why be a JW if God simply doesn't care whether you are one or not?

  • Finkelstein

    Its no wonder the WTS had to make an effort to make up an excuse as to why nothing has happened in the last 100 years,

    simply the clock ran out so they were pressed to make something up .

    This overlapping generation doctrine has no real biblical support to outside theologians just like 1914 had when it was

    first introduced but thats the position this organization put itself in, it used the end times doctrine as a vehicle to enhance

    the circulation and distribution of its published goods, now the truthful viability to that set doctrine is being revealed.

    There will come a time when if this organization is still around into the future that its simply just going to

    have to drop 1914 all together.

    The only truthful aspect to the end time doctrine along with this generation doctrine is that it helped

    in the proliferation of millions of pieces of literature produced by the Watchtower Corporation.

  • Fisherman

    I think it goes beyond a simple one to one correspondency. Like I've said, Christians don't serve God just for the reward. (Or at least they're not supposed to.)

    I agree. JWS experience a partial reward now, comunion with God, and that is the other reason for their faith.

    reason= logic/reward

    This evidence (comunion/reward) from God that they experience now, is the reason (basis for faith/reward) for being a JW.

  • Fisherman

    Flipper, I read your post. JWS sttill have their reasons for their faith.

  • Fisherman

    Flipper, I read your post. JWS sttill have their reasons for their faith.

  • wasblind


    In the Bible Jesus states that the only way to the father is through him

    How do the Jehovah's Witnesses have communion wit God when they abstain

    from the bread and the wine that represents the body and the blood of the Christ

    and publicly proclaim that they be called witnesses of another instead of Jesus as commanded in Acts 1:8 ?.



    Hello Flipper.

    Here's the reason Fisherman won't let go of 1914



    " It is true that the Witnesses have made mistakes in their understanding of what would occur at certain time periods, but they have not made the mistake of losing faith or ceasing to be watchful as to the fulfillment of Jehovah's purposes "______Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 136



    The WTS got Fisherman convinced, that reguardless of any proof that show they are false prophets

    It would be a mistake to stop believin' the falsehoods



    EDIT TO ADD : You'll find page 136 in the Reasoning book under the chapter of FALSE PROPHETS

    LOL. The WTS knows exaclty what they are


  • Fisherman

    Jesus said: "I am coming quickly.." He shows up 2000 years later and we can't even see him.

  • Fisherman

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