The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wasblind

    WAs blind. Just expressing my feelings_______Fisherman page 14


    " Disclaimer "


    " This notice shall apply retroactively to all my post

    The information here is not necessarily my view"_______Fisherman



    Also known as the Moonwalk. Made famous by a former Jehovah's Witness

    who showed the world a dance move that he learned from the WTS



    Fisherman I have not stopped you from your " Truth finding " investigation

    We all have our own " Truths " to find. Your not alone in believin' in somethin'

    that may seem ridiculous to others



    Your plan to wait until 2014 or 2015 for the Great Tribulation shows that

    You still have hope in the word of a false prophet



    Bottom line


    Well, I am blown away by your contributions to this ‘Generation thread’. Although it’s a subject that has been reviewed before, it goes to the heart of the framework that the Watchtower Society has based the reason for its existence upon.

    The Watchtower Society claim to be Jehovah’s modern day prophet. Has it delivered or is it a false prophet? People still caught up in the Watchtower Society's grip will benefit from all your research and comments. Thank you again.


    Flipper, I read your post. JWS sttill have their reasons for their faith.....Fisherman

     photo jw_check_brains.jpg

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  • Fisherman

    I have not seen any real evidence posted here that conclusively invalidates 1914 as the WTS teaches. In fact, some posters have been forced to admit that the new WTS generation definition puts "a bandaid" on the teaching which means that 1914 stands. Most of the posts here state conclusions and views and interpretations and WTS bashing, and recomendations to leave the WTS , but that is not evidence. Evidence are facts. But a conclusion is nothing more than a personal belief or an interpretaion and that does not invalidate 1914. 16 pages full of remarks but not a single shred of evidence has been presented on this thread that invalidates 1914. Not one iota, zero.


  • wasblind


    You have gone from one dance to another

    first it was the Moon walk, and now back to the twist



    It's a shame Dick Clark and Don Cornelius Didn't live to see your fantastic moves

    in the Great Tribulation



    No doubt they woulda gave you a spot on thier show


  • Oubliette

    Fisherman: I have not seen any real evidence posted here that conclusively invalidates 1914 as the WTS teaches.

    Could you please clarify: do you mean the current WT teachings about 1914, or the teaching prior to their "Overlapping Generation" idea? Or perhaps you mean what the WT taught prior to 2008, or maybe you meant since 1995. Or it could be that you are referring to the WT's teaching about 1914 in the '50s, or perhaps you meant since 1927. Of course you might have been referring to ol' Chuck Russell's original idea that 1914 would be the end of The Last Days, not the beginning.

    Could you please elucidate, to which particular WT teaching about the year 1914 are you referring when you say that you "have not seen any real evidence posted here that conclusively invalidates 1914 as the WTS teaches"?

    It would help us address your specific concerns. Thanks in advance.

    In the meantime, I'd recommend these excellent articles with extensive quotes and references from WT literature on the subject for the last 120 years or so:


  • Finkelstein

    But a conclusion is nothing more than a personal belief or an interpretation and that does not invalidate 1914

    What ? I just showed but one example by virtue of the use of the lunar calender system against the modern

    solar calendar system.

    Thats a simple observation, there is much further information concerning 607 BCE. against the typically known

    and accepted date of 587 BCE.

    If you are looking for an evaluation of the overlapping generation proclamation by the WTS. ,

    there is nothing to back that up in theological epistemology, thats solely a WTS/JWs invention exploited

    by taking scripture out of context and twisting an interpretation to suit the WTS. needs, that too should be considered corrupt.

    You need to do some research on your own. Fisherman .

    Let your conscience be your guide in searching for the " Truth"

  • wasblind

    Hey Finklestein

    That goes to show he ain't really interested in the info he thanked you for on page 15

    Chubby Checker ain't got nothin' on Jehovah's Witnesses when it comes to the twist



    The bandaid comment in no way supports 1914. Thank you for revealing your intentions and true colors. I am glad to know that my troll detection senses are working perfectly. At least you were able to get some practice in using circular reasoning and asking insincere questions. Are you planning on practicing law for the WTBTS?? Later, " Columbo."

  • Finkelstein

    I guess so Wasblind , I thought for a moment he was actually starting to open his eyes and

    accept the Truth about the WTS. and its corruptly devised doctrines.

    When a person's mind has been deliberately shut off there's only so much you can do to help them,

    from a point they themselves have to open their heart and mind to accept the veritable truth and (facts)

    offered toward them. There has to be some self motivation created by their own personal integrity.

    All the best to you anyways Fisherman.

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