The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TD
    JWS experience a partial reward now, comunion with God and that is the other reason for their faith.

    In what way does that happen in the JW faith? I ask that in sincerity, because I don't know of any other faith with a more material view. Spiritual experience is restricted to 'Anointing' and that is not common.

  • kaik

    Fisherman, there is no whatsoever proof in Bible that 1914 is the year of the Jesus arrival. This datum is invented without any bases on Old or New Testament. There is also no whatsoever indication we live in the last days or going through Great Tribulation. The 1914 year is no fullfilment of Revelation 1:7, nor Luke 21:27, Matt 24:26-27, Dan 7:13-14. Nothing of these was seen in 1914, and the invisible presence is violating of these verses.

    WWI was no more signifant that other wars like Napoleonic, 7 Years War, or WWII, not to mention Mongol invasion of Asia, Middle East and Europe in 13th century that witnessed much more fighting than entire area covered by trench warfare. Actully, the lowest point of the human history was probably 14th century with Black Death, ongoing war in China, and 100 Years war in Europe. This century alone witnessed more death than did WWI.

  • Finkelstein

    The only significance 1914 holds other than the start of WW1 is the presence of the Watchtower Publishing house.

    Fisherman probably doesn't know that the WTS. once proclaimed and put into print that Jesus returned in 1874.


    At the very heart of the Watchtower's gospel is
    the date 1914. Jehovah's Witnesses are taught that this was the year that Christ
    began his invisible second presence over the earth and is re-establishing God's
    Kingdom. 1914 is a date that Jehovah's Witnesses live and die with. The Society
    has gone through lengthy and complicated number crunching to "prove" its
    accuracy. The calculation is based on the destruction of Jerusalem by the
    Babylonians in 607 B.C., (historians believe that 586 B.C. is the actual date),
    and is "confirmed" by catastrophic events happening since 1914, such as World
    War 1. as the commencement of Christ's reign? Lets check back into the history of the
    organization to see..


    "Just so it has been in this harvest: Our Lord's presence as Bridegroom
    and Reaper was recognized during the first three and a half years, from A.D.
    1874 to A.D. 1878."

     "....three and a half years after his second advent at the beginning of
    the harvest period, in the fall of 1874."

    1917 The Finished Mystery,

    "The Millennium (Rev. 20:3, 4, 7) began in 1874, with the return of

    "No one can properly understand the work of God at this present time who
    does not realize that since 1874, the time of the Lord's return in power, there
    has been a complete change in God's operations."

    1924 Watchtower, 1-1, p. 5

    "Surely there is not the slightest room for doubt in the mind of a truly
    consecrated child of God that the Lord Jesus is present and has been since

    "To understand the events concerning the Lord's second presence from 1874
    to 1914 requires one to be spiritually minded...."

  • Finkelstein

    This brief video goes into showing what the WTS. once taught, realizing their prediction failed, they

    tried moving the date up to 1914.

    Note the 6 X 1000 years from Adam existence dating which these indulgent crooks tried again

    decades later to promote the 1975 fraud.

    Nothing but fraudulent commercialism by Charlatans.


    I guess the use of proclaiming the return of Christ was just too advantageous and appealing for a publishing house to let go of.


    Well said everyone. Yes the significant thing about 1914 is that the WTBTS was in existence and looking for a sign. I mean no disrespect to anyone, because I cannot judge their motives, but what was so significant about events in Henry Millers day? What about John Aquilla Brown? The significant thing is that they existed, and interpreted world events into a sign and set dates. Those dates proved to be false. I think we make our own lives out to be too significant, thinking, " The END must come in my lifetime, because I am here."

    The FACTS show that every generation since the beginning of man has lived and died. No one has cheated death. Even if you believe in a heavenly afterlife, you MUST "die" to get there. I don't want to die. Still, I have to look at things objectively. Could the end of the world as we know it come in my life? Sure, it's possible. Do I lose sleep over it? No.

    I think it's worth remembering that world events were so horrible that, according to CTR, the world may not even make it to 1914. Here we are 100 years later. He witnessed human suffering and he was looking for answers. There is nothing wrong with that. I think if he was alive today he would be df'd for apostasy. There is no way that he would approve of the actions of the WBTS leaders today. Their system is broken. They have elected themselves as spiritual gurus. Now they must provide answers, which they don't have. The passage of time and their of individual fears seem to be dictating their actions.

    They are running out of trick plays. They are going to have to back up and punt, or throw a "hail Mary", which will it be?


  • wasblind

    Fisherman claims he has a relationship Wit God, but follows a religion that rejects not only the Blood of Jesus

    But his words



    Case and point : When ask by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming

    Jesus said : " The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, Niether will people be saying, ' see here ' or, ' There ! for, look ! the Kingdom of God is in your midst "_____Luke 17:20,21 NWT Bible



    The Watchtower Society disagrees in the things Jesus said :

    " Before leaving the earth, Jesus Christ promised to return. Thrilling events in connection with God's Kingdom are associated with that promise" __________Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 340



    The WTS is the AntiChrist


  • Phizzy

    Just a slip of the memory their DD, it is William, not Henry Miller you refer to. It is a fascinating question to us XJW's, where will they go with this ?

    They really have painted themselves in to a corner with 1914. If they discard it, they lose their (preposterous admittedly) 1919 choosing/inception of the FDS.

    They then lose their present day authority and even reason for existence as a religion.

    It would seem that they are hoping that with the overlapping generation and its use in explaining the present day FDS, they will survive long enough to dupe the then exisiting JW's with some New Light.

    I think they have to make some moves over the next decade, to distance themselves from 1914 so it sinks without memory like 1925 did, and 1975 is well on the way to doing, and at the same time get a little more mainstream, universal partaking of the "Emblems" perhaps, ?

    whilst still retaining a two class system ?

    So that those who wish to go to Heaven and the Paradise-earthers are both catered for ?


    LOL!! Thanks Phizzy! The list of prognosticators is hard to keep straight sometimes!


    Peanuts Overlapping Generation photo PeanutGenerationOverlapping.jpg

    ..............................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW



    ..........JW Genius applies for a Job..

    ...................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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