If there is a god..

by snare&racket 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • latinthunder

    He did... and you are making an inference that is not there.

    No, I am reading the number 8 which is how many souls survived the Great Flood. That means no parents, no brothers, no sisters, no grandparents, no uncles, no aunts, no neices, no nephews and NO servants. I am left to conclude that these people, who must have existed in the story, drowned along with everybody else.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Some people just feel the need......

    .......the need to believe.

  • clarity
  • Monsieur


    so you offered your opinion on christ on a basis of 'balance of evidence'.

    therefore NOT on the one interpreted in the Bible.

    this is why you rightfully correct yourself by alluding to a 'portrayal' of christ as you understand it.

    thus admiting that the christ of the bible was not real, and so logically neither dangerous nor a leader of a cult.

  • prologos

    3) god demanded worship? not in the talking snake story.

    reading the earliest bible reference, it seems that

    MEN invented worship, religion*, where

    did "god" ask for worship, sacrifices?

    lets go further back:

    God is not "our father in the heavens" of the sermon on the mount. or the onlooker of the talking snake story.

    The creator is our Grand to the nst degree father.

    parents & kids are always in conflict, the father punishing kids in eden, drowning them in the flood, confusing their language, threaten to kill them with fire next time.

    Kids and Grand parents (even to the nst degree) have a common enemy, the parents, the former kids.

    not, or just kidding.

    * and started the religious killing right away, sanctioned /aquiessed by a lenient supreme court ruling.

  • Comatose

    Is homosexuality a sin? Because I dont believe Jesus ever said anything against it. If all the bible is suspect except for Jesus then it must be okay?

  • Phizzy

    If there is a God, then the evidence is as compelling that He is a thoroughly Evil god, as any evidence supporting the concept of a good, loving God.

    In fact I rather feel that the evidence is stronger that if god exists,then he is Evil God.

  • cofty

    Monsieur - The Jesus portrayed in the bible is an egocentric family-destroying cult-leader.

    How closely the Jesus portrayed in the bible resembles the historical Jesus is a different question.

    Why is that difficult?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Havn't heard of the age old Euthyphro dilemma then?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthyphro_dilemma

  • yadda yadda 2

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