If there is a god..

by snare&racket 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • latinthunder

    Tec, how come God didn't save Noah's entire household? Why did he specifically select only his wife, sons and daughters? Surely, Noah had grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and servants? Why not throw them in the Ark? It was because they were captive to the seed of the serpent which is discussed in detail in Genesis 3 and 4. Peter says that spirits were bound in chains after the Great Flood. God sent those who fell from heaven into the abyss, or the land of the dead, packed 'em right in there. Genesis 6:11 speaks of a totally violent world which would mean Noah's family was a party to that violence. Why would he want to bring them with him? So they could bring their insanity into the new world?

    Now, fast forward to the story of Christ. What was his criteria for selecting his apostles? Ever wonder why the word "apostle" is so similar to the world "apostate"? Christ was selecting people who were totally opposed to the system they were captives to. He knew that by choosing them they were going to have a hard life that would likely end in torture. Naturally, he would choose people who didn't have strong ties with their family. If God truely IS Love, then Christ would have taken into account many factors in determining who held the roles. Because of the cost.

    It's similar to the American Revolutionary War. Their was a solid wall between the one's loyal to the monarchy, who were called "Loyalists", and those opposed. If Christ came in that time do you think he would have chosen a bunch of loyalists as his messengers? No, he would have chosen people who strongly opposed because they would have the most incentive to help. Their very nature would separate themselves from their families who chose to exchange freedom for security.

    Truth IS the sword that drives family's apart and always has been. In a world of tryanny, truth means resistance and resistance is taking a side. The problem is when cults, lead by people, wrongly assume the role of Christ, or Truth, which means they are taking the role of the sword, which is too heavy for them to lift.

  • cofty

    Every one of you replies is straight out the Reasoning book.

    Are you sure you were never a JW?

  • tec

    Every one of you replies is straight out the Reasoning book.

    Are you sure you were never a JW?

    I'm pretty sure this response sits somewhere on that pyramid that jgnat posted on another thread... and it isn't anywhere near the top of the pyramid.



  • cofty

    No it was a factual statement. Your answers were precisely the ones JWs are trained to give while disregarding the evidence of the gospels.

  • tec

    Tec, how come God didn't save Noah's entire household?

    He did... and you are making an inference that is not there. (even the Quran mentions that everyone who belonged to Noah was brought into the ark... though in the Quran there is a detail about someone Noah thought was his, but was not... I'm not sure of the meaning in that, other than that it emphasizes that all who belonged to Noah were brought into the ark)

    Also, doesn't say that is wife, sons and daughters were righteous. Only that Noah was so.

    Now, fast forward to the story of Christ. What was his criteria for selecting his apostles?

    His Father gave them to Him. They belonged first to his Father, who gave them to Him.

    Truth IS the sword that drives family's apart and always has been. In a world of tryanny, truth means resistance and resistance is taking a side. The problem is when cults, lead by people, wrongly assume the role of Christ, or Truth, which means they are taking the role of the sword, which is too heavy for them to lift.

    Truth does separate those who follow the truth from those who follow a lie, yes. But those who followed the Truth did not cast out their family members who did not follow the truth... but exactly the reverse.



  • tec

    No it was a factual statement. Your answers were precisely the ones JWs are trained to give while disregarding the evidence of the gospels.

    Cofty... you are the one who said the gospels say something that they do not. "the law would not be done away with until the end of time"

    Christ never said that; and it is not written.

    Throwing the reasoning from the scriptures book into the mix doesn't change that.



  • cofty

    "until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." - Matt 5

    We have had similar conversations before. You constantly forget Jesus was 100% a religious Jew. He loved the Law, it did not pass away on the cross. That is a common belief among modern evangelicals who think Jesus was a christian.

    I comment on your self-agrandising voices and you tell me to focus on what is written. I focus on what is written and you simply tear lumps out the bible as it suits you.

  • tec

    You STILL misquoted... and you know you are misquoting. So you are NOT focusing on what is written at all.

    And Christ corrected the misunderstandings of the law in the NT. (no eye for eye; instead turn the other cheek... no divorce, except for adultery... etc)

    (nor do I have voices for you to comment on... another thing you seem to relish misquoting... and neither did you comment anyway, but rather attempt to take a stab at me; even though I said NOTHING at all in regard to your comments on this thread; but simply answered the OP questions AND commented on something EOM said. You, however, HAD to take a stab at me... even misquoting me. You just... had to.)

    But you continue to miss that word.... UNTIL. Until everything is accomplished... and it was accomplished, in Christ. Same as some evangelicals and various sects miss the word UNTIL... thinking that CHrist had already condemned the pharisees, jews, etc... when really he said "you will not see me again UNTIL you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."



  • cofty

    I did not misquote, I am fully aware of the context. You have no idea who Jesus was. You invented your own Jesus and nothing will convince you otherwise.

    Jesus was a Jew. He loved and lived the Law to the letter. His followers were religious Jews who continued to worship at the temple.

  • tec

    That is a common belief among modern evangelicals who think Jesus was a christian.

    Yeah, it was also Paul's belief... though truly there is nothing wrong with the requirements of God's law (of love); though men had added to and taken away from that law; handling the law falsely. Hence Christ corrected them on many matters, and showed the truth by His word and example.



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