If there is a god..

by snare&racket 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monsieur

    Now we have to answer.....

    As I believe God to be

    1) Is there more than one god? How do you choose the most senior god?

    There is but one ‘God’, he is everything and anything- when you ‘see’ a multitude of gods, you are ‘seeing’ the same god in its many forms.

    2) If you chose religious texts to make this desicion, how do you know they are not purposfully misleading by an ill willed god?

    Real life experience will rule out this doubt.

    3) Does a god deserve to be Worshipped JUST because he exists and demands it?

    the ‘God’ or law of gravity certainly ‘demands’ that we ‘worship’ or at least acknowledge its irrefutable power.

    4) Do I use morals to decide which god will I align myself to?

    Morals have nothing to do with ‘worshipping’ the God I know. So the answer is no.

    5) Is it ok for god to be immoral and commit what WE would consider evil acts just because he is god?

    ‘God’ is not those things you describe. So this question cannot be answered. Man IS those things though, and he should never commit them.

    6) What if the religious texts are immoral? Do we reject them if the charachters claim to be doing as the god asked of them, as without these texts there is no other source for this paticular chosen god ?

    The key word here is ‘claim’. Man has been claiming and passing the buck in an effort to dodge accountability where it should be demanded of.

    7) If we decide that there is a god as of the bible/quaran would it be reasonable to expect that some believers would choose to not worship him or even outright dispute supporting such a god for his acts in the bible/quaran , such as Genocide, Infanticide, Sexism, Racism, Murder, Kindap, Rape, Slavery, Sexual Slavery?

    The key word again is ‘If’, if there is a literal god as the the bible /quoran …I myself dispute the existence of such a god. Again, the ONLY proof of any of these atrocities being committed, is associated with MAN.

    8) Do you not question such immoral acts?

    Yes, why do we allow others to continue doing this? are we not more numerous than those that commit such acts?

    9) Is it reasonable for that god to kill all people that worship other gods through sincere misguidance or kill atheists with sincere non belief?

    No ‘God’ will ever kill, man kills, ignorance kills.

    10) Why would he need to kill these men women and children? Why not present himself as the real god to them, explain why he asks for worship and also why it is deserved and let them decide? If they decide not to, he can be a merciful god who respects the free will of his creation. For he also worships nobody and should understand, for he made us in his image.

    You are confused about who or what ‘God’ is. You are describing ‘God’ as if it was a person, like you and me, asking questions and such. This is a very old myth and you still appear to believe in it.

    11) Is the god of the bible a dictator who demands worship? Is that enough of a reason to worship him, fear?

    No, ‘he’ is not a dictator. The Bible states that God is Love, not a dictator, why would I fear love?

    12) If there is a reason a god would deserve exclusive devotion and worship...what is it ?

    How about the wellness and survival of mankind? If man continues in his hateful and selfish ways, it won’t stand a chance against himself.

    13) Humans created life in a labaratory 2 years ago, can we demand worship from objects and life we create?

    If you have the power to actually create a ‘consequence’, then there is no need to demand. Life will follow suit. Look at the ‘God’ or law of Gravity for example.

  • latinthunder

    American isn't a race

    Oh yeah it is, it's just a heavily mixed one. Was Christ instrumental in the fall of the Roman Empire? It's not contested than many believed Christ to be either God or the Son of God. Whether or not that was true, don't you think it had at least something to do with the fall of the Roman Empire? I mean, they killed God (or his Son) as per lots and lots of people. That's pretty bad PR.

  • Monsieur

    Jesus was a dangerous cult leader. Take your rose-coloured glasses off.

    Cofty, you are admiting that Jesus was real?

  • cofty

    Nice way to evade all the hard questions Monsieur.

  • cofty

    Cofty, you are admiting that Jesus was real?

    I think the balance of evidence is that there was a historical figure behind the myths.

    In the context of your quote I was responding to Tammy who admonished me to read what was written about Jesus and be in awe of him. I responded that the things written about Jesus - whether they are true of not - portray a dangerous, unethical cult leader.

  • slimboyfat

    Jesus, if he existed, was a Jew.

  • willmarite

    "I responded that the things written about Jesus - whether they are true of not - portray a dangerous, unethical cult leader"

    You certainly have a right to your opinion on Jesus but many non-christians respect Jesus such as Ghandi. Would you say the gist of Jesus' message was negative and hateful or is it only a few things he was quoted as saying?

  • tec

    If you think of anything original let me know.

    You'll do the same right? RE: rose-colored glasses and all?

    Seems like that went right over your head though.



  • tec

    I was responding to Tammy who admonished me to read what was written about Jesus and be in awe of him.

    I did not admonish you to do or be anything.

    Just countered the false things YOU claimed with what IS written.



  • cofty

    Would you say the gist of Jesus' message was negative and hateful or is it only a few things he was quoted as saying?

    Hi Willmarite welcome to the forum.

    Jesus said some interesting things but none of it was original. Do a quick google search to compare the sayings of Jesus to those of Gautama Buddha.

    If we take the words atributed to Jesus in the gospels as authentic he was not an admirable person.

    He told men such as Peter to abandon their wives, children and businesses to follow him around Galilee preaching about his imminent parousia that never happened. His teachings about loving him more than your own family is reprehensible. He was a false prophet and a self-obsessed cult leader. Had it not been for the political schemes of Constantine we would never have heard about him.

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