Excuse needed to get out of talk

by noonehome 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I would pay to see Glander filibuster his grocery list!

  • Vanderhoven7

    How long is your talk supposed to be?

    Is the subject up to you?

    If so, I'd be glad to give you one of my messages to use.

  • laverite

    Explosive diarrhea from a severe and sudden gastrointestinal illness.

  • DeWandelaar

    Quote: but I've been ridiculously depressed lately

    ... and you still need an excuse?

    Dude... It is a false feeling of loyalty and you are not obliged to help anyone if it costs you this much...


    Just say very sheepishly, that you feel like a hypocrite giving the talk because you have are having trouble accepting the nu-light about the GB/FDS. Then just explain what you don't get. How can the chosen Apostles not be members of the FDS? Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep! The Master was supposed to leave and appoint the FDS, where did Jesus go? Did you know that many were DF'd from Bethel for saying that there could not be a slave "class?" Now it's true, but they were DF'd?! Show them the WT article about "Jehovah's" name. Just say you did the research to prove that all the WT quotes are 100% accurate, and this is what you found. Doesn't God hate a false stylus?! If they know you have some doubts, along with some depression issues, then you will find your work-load greatly reduced.

    Or you could just get another job, and not work with the Brother. Or just say you are depressed. Sooner or later you will have to stand up for yourself or a decade will pass and you will still be obeying the Elders.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Blondie's suggestion of sudden severe diarrhea is good.

    But I really like Comatose's straightforward (and truthful) suggestion: I used my stress and depression as an excuse for talks. I just said I'm sorry but I can't emotionally handle it right now.

    Using such an honest approach can allow you to say how you need to withdraw from the school. As a school overseer, I knew so many faithful JW's that couldn't handle giving talks or would only give them if they could stay in their comfort zone by sticking to easier subjects or (for sisters) giving them only with certain householders.

  • tornapart

    I told my school overseer that I didn't feel able to do the talk, I was having increasing anxiety over them, handed him the talk slip back that he'd just given me and asked if if he'd take me off the school. He looked surprised but took it and accepted what I said and I've never been bothered since. Just be upfront and straight. You don't want to do it and that's it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Exactly as Tornapart says. If you rip this bandage off, talk to your boss/school overseer with a bit of nerve now, you can get out of the school for good. It'll be tough, but way easier than the occasional talk.

  • jgnat

    It is amazing how many of you get tied up in knots at disappointing this organization. It certainly has no compunction about chewing you up and spitting you out.

    I'd follow "planned incompetence". Wait until the last minute and tell him you just can't bear to do it, you have been so discouraged and confused lately, and no, you have nothing ready. Let him scramble to find a replacement at the last minute. He's far less likely to call on you again.

    I want to see the remaining elders stressed out, over loaded, scrambling, and wondering why they put up with this in the first place?

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Why do you owe them anything?

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