Apostate: From 279 Facebook friends to 81 overnight... thanks MOM!

by sosoconfused 72 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gingerbread

    I would suggest that you find your copy (or YouTube) of "Young People Ask - How Can I Make Real Friends?"

    Unfortunatly, this is the reality of being a Jehovah's Witness. It sounds like it's time for you and your wife to make some important life decisions.

  • UnConfused

    So when the society changes a teaching like - GENERATION a number of times so that it doesn't even resemble what Jesus said, they aren't turning their back on Jehovah?

    Perhaps you could reply - "Please take a minute and explain to me what Generation, Faithful & Descrete Slave and Anointed Class mean today - and what it meant last year?"

  • Emery

    Sorry this is happening. I too am awaiting the day when this very thing will happen. However, I do plan on defending my position to the very end to each and every single one of them that cares to hear. Hang in there buddy!

  • Vidiot
    Splash - "It's almost like they are eagerly waiting for any bad news."

    Well, they do belong to an apocalyptic millinnialist religion, after all.

  • sooner7nc

    Check your PM's sosoconfused.

  • Satanus

    Its sad to lose friends. It doesn't mean that they are bad. It could mean that they are weak and let others do their thinking for them, let them chose their friends for them. They aren't really a loss for you. Losing them is one of those things you don't need to fight. Let it happen.


  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Goes to show how TERRIFIED they are of even the word apostate.

    They would rather take your oms word for it than check up with you, and endanger their little fantasy.

    Had you caught wind of many rumours about you before this? I the JW rumour mill was already strong, they could have just been waiting to hear it from someone close to you who wouldn't lie about it.

  • LongHairGal


    Probably they all heard through the grapevine your negative views of the religion and this is their version of ganging-up. Facebook "unfriending" must make these irrelevant people feel powerful. They can't get to you any other way.

    Well, good riddance to JWs on Facebook. Who needs them? The only thing JWs are good for is spying, snooping and carrying tales. The message you got from somebody who you haven't spoken to in a few years is laughable. Why do these ridiculous people think they will be missed if they aren't your friends in the here and now???

    I deleted just about all of them including one recently who never communicated. I also deleted non-JWs who never communicated. At "81 friends" you have more connections than I do. I am sure all these "friends" are not all that close to you either. I think friendship is all about quality and not quantity. I only use Facebook to keep in touch with relatives and people I actually care about and vice versa.

    Don't let all this get you down. Make real friends in the real world and let JW phonies be forgotten as they well should be.

  • Quendi

    I’m sorry for this latest turn of events, sosoconfused, but I have to agree with those who have told you that you’re better off without these people. I don’t use Facebook or other social media, so I can’t completely identify with what is happening to you now, but I do know the pain of losing those with whom you have formerly been very close. All of us who have left this cult can identify with that. But it does get better and you will find that without this dead weight of false friends you can now really fly.


  • westiebilly11

    its all good.....real friends walk in when sham friends walk out....

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