Who I really am, my story on YOUTUBE!

by Gojira_101 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101

    innerpeace: Thank you. Basically my friends and family shunned me based on the lie my grandmother told about my dad.....and no one even bothered to ask if it was true. That is the power WTBT$ has over people.

    Thanks! I love my tattoo! I'm planning on getting one more on our wedding anniversary. I'm going to get the white ink tattoo and have two doves.


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    We are proud to say this is our daughter! Nobody knew that when she was going to college to become an interpreter that she would be helping people break the mind control of a cult.

    Shyla I just want to say this in front of everyone. What that idiot Elder told you about not being able to interpret in our last congregation because he felt you didn't have the right heart condition, just because you were missing? meetings to go to school. Shows the depth of their bullying and CONTROL.

    Love you

  • Gojira_101

    slimboyfat. I know my mother already explained above....the thing about the cross in the reasoning book was the fact that watchtower LIED. They did the [...] and cherry picked from the Empirical Bible Dictionary to set their own teachings. So when one lie is uncovered it leads to another lie and another and another.

    Our friend who shared that about the reasoning book and the cross was just showing my parents the 1 LIE. That friend is almost on JWN but they are trying to fade so they don't lose their family.

    Basically it was the fact WTBT$ misquoted (lied) to make it fit their teaching of "The Truth" like I said if WTBT$ lied about one thing, what else did they lie about? Also if they have "The TRUTH" why do they have to lie? And if something is the "TRUTH" it shouldn't change. Truth on/about anything would not change.

    I can't tell the whole story in one video, but for years as JW's my family always had problems with elders and "the friends" because even as JW's my parents and I were the trouble makers in the Hall because we would be the first ones to confront elders because they weren't following the bible or at the time because they weren't following what the Organization was saying.

    So our thought process was...if they lied about one thing, what else did they lie about? Well when we researched and checked we saw all of their lies and that was that!


  • RayPublisher

    Bravo Shyla!! I'm so glad I could help put your story online it is very hearfelt and empowering.

    One at a time we escape from the "Watchtower Power"!

    BTW you can scrub to a particular place in the video (such as the part where the ASL starts) and then copy the url from there. So then when you email or embed a link, the video will start right there.

  • Gojira_101

    Sweet JJ! Thank you. I'm in the process of sharing it with my deaf friends.

    Thank you!

  • slimboyfat

    I see what you mean Shyla, it was the fact they lied that is the main issue rather than the particular issue such as the cross in itself. It was similar for me when I was found out about these things.

    Alan F used to say that people only leave the Watchtower when it becomes personal, which I find to be true. On an intellectual level we can have problems with JW beliefs or Watchtower misquotes, but when there is injustice in the local congregation or on a personal level, that's what really prompts people to leave.

  • Gayle

    Very good! it is so great to be able to come out publicly like you have done. (I am sure if any criticize, they're envious of your full freedom)

    I compare the WT to a handmade garment somebody (parent, grandparent, a new friend, that they highly treasured with special claims). As the years passed, I would see a thread here and there sticking out. I would 'tuck' this thread and that thread back into the fabric so I hardly saw again, (out of appreciation and loyalty). Eventually, there was a thread that stuck out again, and starting unravelling and I couldn't 'tuck' back fast enough, and then all the old threads starting coming out and additional new ones.

    Time to throw it out! It wasn't so special all that time. Just an embarrassing ugly garment really, more work than worth it!

    So many best wishes in your new life and adventure. You have so much going for you!

  • cognac

    You are so lucky your parents and husband are out!!!

  • Finkelstein

    Alan F used to say that people only leave the Watchtower when it becomes personal, which I find to be true. On an intellectual level we can have problems with JW beliefs or Watchtower misquotes, but when there is injustice in the local congregation or on a personal level, that's what really prompts people to leave.

    Sure wasn't my case, I left because of the WTS. false doctrines and corruption, in spite of growing up in this religion and having my

    family involved.

    The 1975 fraud/scam was when the red flag went up for me, as well a couple of young JWs who committed suicide around that year.

    The spiritual relationship with god established by the WTS. meant that you had to be fully in acceptance to the WTS. lies and corruption,

    I wasn't about to become connected with that kind of godly relationship, wasn't in my heart or my mind.

  • Tater-T

    great Job.. I watched the whole thing while cleaning kitchen .. glanced in on the ASL but couldn't hear much..LOL

    So I liked the part where you talk about faders who are still riddled with guilt and fear.. I think that is any area that is over looked at how many there might be ?

    Good to see you .. Thanks for sharing I'm going to do one too..!?

    My older sister is the only one still in she waited to have kids ... now she'll be 60+ when her youngest turns 18

    My moms faded for 20 years but is still traped in the mind set.

    all my other brothers and sisters see it as "not Good" but don't wanna talk about it ..

    I'm glad you finally saw the WT for what it is... I cried too.. But I/m way better now

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