The Watchtower Writers need to answer this question "Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history!"

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    Also, Dawkins is not angry. Where on earth do you get that idea?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I read a debate with Cardinal Pell

    I saw that debate you are speaking of here...and geesh...I don't think he did christianity any favours by opening his mouth. He really was ignorant.

    I don't say that lightly either. I have heard some really good christian speakers. Cardinal Pell isn't one of them.

  • cofty
    it's about time people like Sam Harris and Dawkins embrace men who were part of the Atheist family - AA

    Is it also about time people like Sam Harris and Dawkins embrace men who were part of the family of people who have brown hair?

    When we say that somebody is an atheist it tells us nothing about them other than the fact they don't believe in a deity. Its not a club or a family or a religion or any other sort of community.

    We all know of atheists on this forum who believe in all sorts of irrational and superstitious things. There are atheists here with whom I have absolutely not one thing in common apart from the fact neither of us are convinced by the claims of theism.

    Stalin was an atheist. So what? He was also irrational and rejected the scientific method in favour of political dogma.

    Stalin rejected Mendelian genetics in favour of Lamarkianism as promoted by Trofim Lysenko. Darwinism wasn't egalitarian enough for the dictator. He rejected the reality of chromosomes and genes deriding them as "bourgeois constructs." He argued for a distinction between "proletarian" and "bourgeois" science, extending Marxist class-struggle doctrine into biological science. .. Mendelian genetics was declared "reactionary", and it's practitioners declared to be "scholastics and metaphysicians."

    The official biology of the Soviet union was to be Lysenko's. Talk of chromosomes and genes was ipso facto treasonous, and most of Lysenko's few remaining public opponents were hauled off to the gulags or executed...

    In the late 1950s, Chinese farmers were commanded by Mao to follow several Lysenkoist doctrines imported from the USSR -- with predictably disastrous results....

    Prevailing Lysenkoist doctrine also held that the root structures of plants would grow deeper in relation to how deeply the land was plowed, so farmers were ordered to plow 4-5 feet deep. Becker reports the example of Liaoning province in 1958, where 5 million people were forced to spend more than a month deep-plowing 3 million hectares of land, to no benefit whatsoever. At the other extreme, following the advice of Lysenkoist Vasily Williams, Mao ordered farmers to leave at least one-third of their land fallow.

    The end result, of course, was the greatest preventable famine the world has ever seen.

    Rationalism, skepticism, a commitment to reason - to be led by evidence and a rejection of the supernatural - these things are a virtue. When did anybody commit genocide in the name of reason?

    Atheism is merely a corollary of reason.

    Scandanavia is perhaps the best example of societies that have adopted these values with impressive results.

  • Perry
    All babies are born into an atheistic state and are then subsequently taught beliefs.

    There has never been a historical society observed that did not have some kind of religion. It is natural for man to seek guidance from a higher power.

    A much more accurate statement might be something like:

    All babies are born with an empty mental data base and then are subsequently taught beliefs and conclusions from a variety of sources.

  • prologos

    has anybody ever done research wether human isolated from influence will become religious by INSTINCT?

    I am more afraid of religious people to make war, cause harm then atheists.

    That is one thing the bible writers got right.

    Religions, Veggies vs Meat, caused killing, and God never asked to be worshipped in the first place.

    Leave him /her alone.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Perry: " There has never been a historical society observed that did not have some kind of religion. It is natural for man to seek guidance from a higher power. "

    You're begging the question by assuming that there is a higher power. Read and follow the rules of logical debate. It would be more accurate to say (although not necessarily true) that "it is natural for man to believe that he needs to seek guidance from a higher power."


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I worked, dated, and shopped direcyly across the street from Ground Zero. Moslems and atheists do not bother me. Criminal wackos of any type bother me. When you kill me or threaten me with your bigotry so that I cannot enjoy my lifesyle , watch out bc I will stop you. I would prefer Moslems or atheists to bigotry. What is wrong with Islsm or atheism. NOTHING.

  • nugget

    I wasn't aware Richard Dawkins was a mass murderer.

    The watchtower can hardly say Atheists cause the greatest anmount of violence when their own God has already pegged billions for death. According to Jesus; own words thinking and planning an act is as bad as the act itself. Under his own rules God stands condemned.

  • Perry


    God has already pegged billions for death

    Don't all die, in your view naturally? Death as the instrument of creativity is the foundation of secularism not Christianity.

    Christianity claims to bridge the gap between "natural" death and life and proved it in the resurrection of Jesus. God is a God of the living, not the dead.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious
    God is a God of the living, not the dead.

    For a God of the living, he sure wants a lot of people to die!

    "Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position" - Bill Maher

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