Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria

    Hey UShack you handsome devil!!

    As for the thread.......... meh.

  • cantleave

    S&R - The flagellum of othe bacteria is a really cool piece of kit. It has been lovingly designed to inflict suffering onto other creatures. God's wisdom is demonstrated in diseases such as cholera where these flagellum allow enough mobility of the bacteria to enable them invade the small intestine and cause an agonising death.

    Anyway if anyone is interested as to why flagellum are not irreducible please read this...


  • Vanderhoven7

    Just started watching a series on the subject. Not sure where it is going, but the first video is impressive... at least in its presentation.


  • cantleave

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MT4tLXhGI8 - to make Vanderhoven's link clickable.

  • rawe

    Hi snare&racket,

    "Oh my goodness...... Evolution is just the science of how animals change over time depending on the environment of the earth at the time...."

    First, thanks for posting that picture of flagellum, that Michael Behe asserts is irreducibly complex and therefore could not have evolved. In the picture I counted about 10 components. I find that interesting because one of the illustrations Behe used in his book was animal crossing a road and having the luck of not getting hit my a car. While that would be reasonable to assume as possible, if the number of lanes increased to 1000 (my recall, please verify & correct) we should not expect success. In other words as the number of components required increases there gets a point where it becomes non-plausible to suggest they would all be present at the same time. But... 10 components is not a high number, certainly not "1000 lanes."

    The other illustration Behe used was a mouse trap. This of course is a comparison between a non-biological systems that is ID vs a biological system, wherein we know how current examples of flagellums arrive, that is biological reproduction, even if we don't know the precise pathway that resulted in the first ever example of the flagellum.

    But... let me throw this out there. I agree, the theory of evolution is really just a working model that does a fantanstic job of explaining how life changes over time and how all life is related. It does not address the origin of life for example. But Evolution is also Crap, at least to Crazyguy. I think there are reasons why this seems true as well. The first big reason is the seeming implication that evolution is a counter pointer to special creation as outlined in Genesis. The second is, in my opinion, truly ironic... that is various forces that contribute to our evolution as a species, such as ability to plan and purpose, the fact that we live a short time and die, that we are tool creators, drivers in regards to mate selection, how we process in-group vs out-group loyalty determination, etc, all make the theory of evolution seem wrong.

    The process of evolution has resulted in the origin of a species, that ironically was destined to find the theory non-intuitive and somewhat unpleasant.




    For a basic, non-pretentious explanation of how evolution works, you won’t do better than Richard Dawkins - The Magic of Reality. It contains is an uplifting an entertaining look at the natural world and shows how mankind has been influenced by endless myths and magical thinking while missing the beauty and wonder of reality.

    The bad news is that we do not individually live forever but return to dust. To live with the hope of eternity you will need to find a religion or become a gladiator.

  • QC


    Great video!

    This path, life is a DESIGN not a product of willy-nilly chance, is about to be settled. Of course theophobic folks will fight it.

    That's fine, worthwhile change always has its reactionary detractors.

    But they will adjust and learn to enjoy reality. There is a dark side, though, it will always push back against the disinfectant of light (proven facts) which turns the world toward good.

    Prime examples of this in modern times are the WT GB leadership and the religious Atheon (God hater) crowd. Theoretical diametrically opposed to each other, yet both work toward for the same "evil" end.


  • Shador

    But they will adjust and learn to enjoy reality.

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    But they will adjust and learn to enjoy reality.

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Shador, do you know what it means?

    What do you say the word reality means?

  • Shador

    Really? I'm being called out on a throwaway jab?

    Fine, I'll let Wikipedia answer:

    Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.

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