2013 Drama: "Show Yourself Attentive"

by breakfast of champions 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Gawd, thw best (worst) bit when Lena turns up in the end and is taken off by one of Job's daughters to meet her 6 sisters and 14 brothers. Totlally unspeakable horse-shit.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Gawd, thw best (worst) bit when Lena turns up in the end

    Yes, to me that was not unlike Jar-Jar's brief reappearance in Star Wars "III" seemingly just to piss you off.

  • baltar447

    Oh boy. I'd rather watch paint dry than that youtube video.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That's a really bad drama. The take-away points from this are:

    What can we expect from Jehovah for our faithful service to WT corp? Nothing but promises of a future reward. Imagine a baby carriage rolling toward a cliff. The carriage rolls inches away from a man who could easily reach out and stop the disaster. Instead, the man says, "I'll call an ambulance to pick up the pieces at the bottom. It's better this way. Trust me on this."

    What can we expect from fellow JWs when things go wrong? Nothing. They're all a bunch of jerks.

    What can we expect from the organization that we've been peddling literature for? Nothing. There was no organized effort by the local congregation or circuit to help this family in their time of crisis. All the other JWs are too busy slaving for WT to pay any attention to how they could help out struggling JWs. They've been trained to tell those in need, "Keep warm and well-fed by Jehovah!"

    I also found it interesting that Andre... oops, I mean Ethan was actually quoting from the Bible rather than from WT publications for comfort. I suspect that there may be "apostates" in the Teaching Department that are sneaking in the suggestion that the Bible can be used without needing the publications from the Writing Department. And maybe this Teaching Department "apostate" is showing that COs aren't doing their job by giving necessary attention to struggling JWs!

  • AnnOMaly

    Hey look what I found:


    No Panama hats and khakis for Job here, though.

    Lena is 4:30 minutes in. The echo effect makes it worse LOL!

  • tinker

    I am thinking about going to the convention just to see the reaction of the audiance....this rubbish has me curious!

    except I would be the "drama" instead of the "Drama"

  • Oubliette

    Oh gawd, the acting is so incredibly wooden. It's really nauseating! Yuck!!!

  • Gayle

    Well, not always, but for some, losing a loved one, very prematurely due to accident or health, can really jump start a time to re-evaluate what 'soon' means when talking about a resurrection. JWs can only come up with that the resurrection will be 'soon,' actually becomes irritating as the years start to pass. Often, for JWs the full "grieving process" is delayed. At least, other beliefs don't teach this kind of concept of loved ones coming back "soon." ~~ Wasn't there a part there in the drama about "having our loved one in our heart . . . ?" That part is a common phrase even among non-JWs.

    I also think of many of us have been in dramas and are clearly out of the organization now. A lot I am sure. I knew one former Bethelite gal who was used for a little girl's voice often back in dramas in the early '70s. I got a call from her back in the early '80s and she was out of the organization and in her sweet voice calling it clearly "a cult."

  • BluePill2

    While everybody in my family is attending the "Horse-Shite Show" 2013 I will be doing this:


    Aaaaaaahhhhh, sweet, sweet freedom! My Beach vacations start in 2 weeks...

  • Satanus

    'You know, I don't even feel like finishing the story.'

    Canceled in mid drama, due to loss of interest. Pretty funny:)


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