2013 Drama: "Show Yourself Attentive"

by breakfast of champions 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This is the first of three "dramas" this DC, and I have to say, it was one of the weirdest dramas ever. I won't go through all the details. Maybe someone else wants to throw in their 2c.

    It starts out with two men standing on the "beach" talking, but it took me awhile to figure out what in the hell was going on. One guy's name is Ethan and he's dressed in a long sleeve shirt and trousers, and the other guy's name is Job and he's dressed in khakis and a Panama hat. Then you realize: Ethan is a faithful witness now in the new system having a chat with a resurrected Job - the Job - who apparently now sports khakis, a Panama hat and a bizzare accent I couldn't place. Ethan goes on to bore Job with his Job-like experience before "the end"

    Cut to pre-Armageddon scene with Ethan's family. Now they introduce his daughter Lena. I shit you not: Lena's voice takes the cake for the most awful drama character voice EVER. She's supposed to be a 12 year old girl, but it sounds like a whiny, sing-songy, 42 year old, pasty white bethelite wife with a weird lisp imitating a 12 year old. Lena is the Jar-Jar Binks of dramas. My wife said she noticed one sister in the audience shaking her head, then picking up her books and leaving. It was that noticeably bad.

    Fortunately, about 45 seconds after they introduce us to Lena, they kill her off in terrible car accident with her grandfather. I think that most of the audience was relieved not to hear that voice again for another 25 minutes.

    After the accident, Ethan's family goes to hell in a handbasket, and he and his wife are assaulted by "false comforters" who are really just bad caricatures of worldly people and one brother from the hall who is an idiot. . . .

    You know, I don't even feel like finishing the story. If anyone else has anything to add, please do.

    Overall, this drama seemed like it was literally written by mentally challenged people with overactive imaginations. . . . then again it probably was. But then I thought to myself, Maybe it's just you and your apostabrain finding fault with everything. Well, not so. The folks I was with were picking it apart, too. It was just that dumb.

    Anyone else endure this piece of "theater"?

  • carla

    Are the 'drama's' now done in film format or do they have 'actors' at each dc doing the 'drama'?

    (side note, my kids would get so damn annoyed when jw dad would call a school play a 'drama', my underage once slipped out "what the hell?" I did not admonish them for this because I was thinking the same thing! this was in the begining of all jw-ism in our house)

  • AnnOMaly

    The audio is here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fboj09

    What's with the sloooow, OV -ER- mo DU lation ?

    You're right about Lena. LOL. (Jar-Jar Binks - hilarious!)

    8 minutes in, I'm bored now but I might listen until the crash. ...

    ... Oh, that was a disappointment. The acting was awful in this scene. Had enough.

  • prologos

    BOC: I can symphasize with you. here is when I faded out of "dramas":

    a long time ago an aspiring GB member had to make a "do-it yourself" replacement sound tape, because the version from headquarters was in a dialect that the locals could not follow and identifiy with. Like Cockney being played in New Jersey.

    Need I say more? the wailing woman coming off that 1/4 inch brown tape, well brown period.

    Drama is fiction, fiction is non-fact, manipulative lies.

    Brain time is precious, have time for "dramas" no more.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Brain time is precious, have time for "dramas" no more.

    I think I lost a few brain cells on this one.
  • WTWizard

    Nice waste of time trying to dangle being able to meet fictitious characters in the LIE-ble as a way to get them to obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Those stories are only in the LIE-ble to provide false hope that, if you obey joke-hova, joke-hova will eventually bless you. Remember, this is a fallacy--beyond the fact that the characters in the LIE-ble are all fake. Just because joke-hova does something for one being doesn't mean you will get anything--besides false hope.

  • Sapphy

    boc, I just listened to that whole thing. I feel a little sick.

    Wife gets pregnant so Ethan has to give up his circuit overseer dreams.

    Daughter gets killed in a road crash with grandpa.

    Ethan has low energy and gets fired.

    Ethan is diagnosed with a cancer sounding illness.

    Ethan gets young son to draw a picture of an ostrich and a zebra.

    They read the book of Job.

    The bad experiences 'help' them to endure the great tribulation.

    Keren-Happuch guest stars as 'legendary beauty"

    Yes, that is the weirdest drama ever.

  • tenyearsafter
  • BluesBrother

    They used to be Bible Dramas....designed to bring to life portions of Scripture, like Moses in Egypt, Lot's escape from Sodom and so on. If they are now works of fiction and speculation it no longer serves it's purpose.

  • jgnat

    I thought making up a fictional childhood for Timothy was bad...and then to quote the fictional "Timothy" in talks following. Like making up new scripture on the fly!

    So this is how they describe a modern-day Job? Lame.

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