Brothers told to pack an "Armagedon survival bag." gossip in Aust!

by Witness 007 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    A WT accountant probably alerted the GB that too much money was being spent on disaster relief in recent years..

  • MinisterAmos

    I bet my disaster bag with an AR-15 gathers a multitude of JW and Mormon prepping material in the event of end times.

  • rebel8

    We did this in the 70s and 80s. Canned food and literature hidden in the walls of the house. @ the book study we did drills--memorizing each other's phone numbers because written lists could be stolen by Caesar...discussing how we'd change clothes while walking to each other's houses to trick the police, hiding places, and what wild plants were edible.

    All this was kept strictly secret from my unbelieving parent who would be used as a tool against us by Satan. (Nice thing to teach your kids about their parent.)

  • clarity

    Rebel ...I knew I wasn't the only one!

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Don't forget to keep your handgun in your bag. And make sure you tell the elders.

    If they criticize the gun because having it means you don't believe Jehovah can keep you safe, ask them if having the bag means you don't believe Jehovah can save you without your survival bag.

    I'm no Jehovah's Witness, but I believe there's a tribultation coming in which the Lord will begin to sweep the earth of the wicked. So if I'm wrong, no worry. But if right, then it doesn't mean the Jehovah's Witnesses are right.

    Many religions are expecting bad times.

  • BluePill2

    Preparing for the end?

    Yeah, right, THIS is how my preparation will look like...and nothing else. (when can we have smiley showing the middle finger?)

    End of World

    PS: My sister and brother in law, because of this instruction from the Borg, are considering to buy a rafting boat (yes a full inflatable badass SEAL 8 Team kind of boat, because she has 2 kids, 4 cats and a boxes of Reasoning books that need to be saved)

  • cofty
    I believe there's a tribultation coming in which the Lord will begin to sweep the earth of the wicked. - Cold Steel

    Don't be so silly.

    Many religions are expecting bad times.

    Of course they are. Fear = control and money.

    Dangerous cults like JWs and Mormons thrive on fear.

  • snare&racket

    Its just so they can say that they help prepare people for natural disasters on the charity status (tax avoidance) forms....

    They are clear to not say Armageddon. It was said in some areas of the UK about 2 years ago.

    how pathetic these men are, they are the personification of the 24hr 'fox news' fight or flight exaggeration.....

    Calm down and make a cup of tea.

  • snare&racket


    please do this.....

    list all the things you believe are signs of the end of the times taking place now...

    Choose any year from mankinds history and research that list and see whether those things took place then also and to what extent.

    This could save your sanity and your future, but been as religion made me lazy about checking facts, just consider all the mosaic laws particularly the major ones. They all covered crimes that are later described in the bible as a sign of the end of the world, yet were taking place then. Humans are humans and always were and always will be. Don't be fooled by snake oil, not even mine, go and get the history books out and do your list.....

  • Joliette

    Oh my goodness not this shit again!

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