Since Great Crowd has no mediator

by sosoconfused 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthlover123

    Isnt it the July 15 WT - last lesson that shows a picture of God's throne as described in Ezekiel - that immediately shows the earthly part of "God's" organization

    1) Governing Body 2) Circuit Overseers, 3) District Overseers 4) elders 5) congregation- granted they did say earthly part, but Jesus died for the peoples of the earth.. they are still promoting themselves as the direct appointed channel from God and they make too many mistakes to be of that ilk

    No mention of Jesus as the intercessor/mediator.... and I believe the next WT goes further with this thought... they better make up their mind cause people are getting frustrated with their wishy washy change of mind, desparaging put down of Jesus and raising themselves up higher than he is... that is very dangerous for them

    and why did they sneakily put that word in the paragraph 18? Not one person mentioned it with a comment... I just waited..... they usually introduce new thoughts by injecting phrases or words in the lesson and wait for someone to pick it out....

    I had to question an elder who did not notice it... still waiting for the answer

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    DR: Another close friend quit associating with me, saying that the only way I would have learned about this was by visiting "apostate" websites. He totally avoided the fact that it's in the publications


    I've gotten the same response from JWs when I show them what's in the literature.

    I wonder how long it'll be before a JW will be pasted with the "apostate" label for looking at any literature more than two months old?

    It's amazing that JWs view the literature as coming from God, yet reject you(or at least become suspicious) if you show them things from that same literature that makes them uncomfortable.

  • humbled

    In spite of the special relationship the JW anointed claim with Jesus they don't all have the rarer relationship that the FDS at Bethel enjoy: It is in the literature that non-GB members of the anointed must follow the directives of the GB anointed. This is a real problem because Rev. 14:4 says that "They (the anointed) follow the Lamb where ever he goes."

    This is a scripture that I read to the local elders when I was on the way out. I told them that I had to be true to my conscience but when I read them Rev. 14:4 I pointed to the wrong done when one's identity is tied to that integrity of following and you are prevented by the GB from doing so---

    Silence from the brothers. I told them that if such was the case for the "anointed" then they weren't able to follow Jesus. So were they able to be truly the anointed?


  • sosoconfused

    Sorry, I have not responded in a while but after posting this i went to my parents home... my father greeted me at the door and asked me to please show him the magazine article that speaks of this. On the dining room table were a ton of old books etc... that he was looking through and could not find the material.

    Fortunately I refered to this website and pulled it up on the WTLib. Mind you he is in his mid 70's and cannot use a computer. As he reads it slowly aloud, he looks at me and says, "Where did this come from? I always told people out in field service that the reason we pray in JESUS name is because he is our mediator... like the bible says... this is not adding up!" Funny enough I remember him telling us that on our family study all of the time.

    Then all of a sudden my mother comes runing in the room SCREAMING at me like a lunatic that I am planting seeds just like Satan in the mind of my father. I told her that this is what the magazine says... here comes the kicker - "WE HAVE RECEIVED NEW LIGHT ON THIS!!! Why would you refer to such an old magazine to confirm our beliefs??!! You know the faithful slave is always moving with the celestial chariot and bringing about new info as the times roll forward toward the end."

    I thought to myself, "YUP there goes that NU LIGHT catch phrase again". I told her that this has not change and is still current teaching. She ran over to me and SLAPPED ME IN MY FACE and told me to get out of her house. My father whom I have seen cry maybe once started to cry and also asked me to leave until my mother calms down.

    I began driving home mad as all hell and my father calls me from a cellphone speaking ever so softly and says, "Call me this evening at 7... your mother has a bible study and will be gone then."

    Dear God let this man be free!

  • humbled

    I am so happy for you and your father! He has a love of truth and a love for Jesus, a sense of Jesus that the WTS violates again and again--The truth should make us FREE!

    I hope, I pray for your father's liberation! The WTS hangs itself with the twists of its own rope.



    The false premise that blind the Jw's to truth is that Rutherford was correct in teaching that there are two-classes of Christians. Another teaching that escapes most of the rank and file is the supossed ending of the " High Calling." They have to know that Rutherford was wrong, otherwise there could be no GB today. They GB were forced to admit that mistake, there was no way around it. Time ran out on Rutherford's prognostications. What the GB have done is confuse the issue as much as possible. Most JW's don't connect the dots. RUTHERFORD WAS WRONG ABOUT THE HEAVENLY CALLING ENDING...

  • Ding

    The more convoluted the GB's reasoning gets, the more JWs think it must be the result of deep Bible study and profound understanding.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Why would you refer to such an old magazine to confirm our beliefs??!!


    By extension, then I guess no JW should read the Bible, either.

    It's much older than the oldest Watchtower magazine.

  • Patrick45

    @Darth Rutherford,

    Its amazing how far the denial goes. JW resemble the three apes, or rather two of them. Covering the eyes and the ears but preaching aloud.

    They should be quick to listen...

    Jesus died for my sins, this is the most precious thing I have learned (experienced) in my whole life. My 10plus y of close contact with JW did not open that to me.

    "In a strict biblical sense... you have no rights and are damned to be our slaves until you die without a real hope" Heb 9:27

    I freely preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them at any possible occasion.

    An excellent support doing this is this image of the org with the heavenly chariot, angels, NY gang, circuit gang, body of elders gang, but WITHOUT JESUS.

    This tells more than 1000 words. They deny Jesus and are truly at risk to be judged as part of the anti-christ. Matth 23 comes unavoidingly to mind. Esp v 13.

  • sosoconfused

    @Shirley - It amazed me that an article rom 1979 is seen as being archaic and no longer valid. It just goes to show that they enjoy the volatile nature of this organization. I really think constantly changing doctrine makes them believe they have progressive truth - thus a valid reason to say they have the TRUTH.

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