Mormons getting hollowed out: The tipping point has occurred.

by Qcmbr 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    As of 31 December 2012, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reported 188,462 members in 45 stakes, 335 Congregations (286 wards[1] and 49 branches[1]), 6 missions, and 2 temples in the United Kingdom. (wikipaedia)

    I'm part of an active ex LDs community and in a straw poll of the 200 members of that group a rough average active membership per ward , being generous, was 120.

    120 * 335 = 40200.

    188462 - 40200 = 148262 inactive members in the UK.

  • sir82

    Do the Mormons have any method, even internal (not for R&F consumption) method for tracking their "active" members?

    JWs have a very convenient method for doing so - field service reports. If you turn in a report, you are "counted". And if you have turned in a report, you must at least have teh desire to appear to be active, and likely are integrated into the JW community. So it is a reasonable way of counting JW "actives".

    If JWs ever stopped requiring field service reports to be turned in, within 5 years you'd see similar ratios (the "real" JW count would plummet by well over 50%).

  • Qcmbr

    The ward clerk takes meeting attendance counts and provides a monthly report.

  • cantleave

    Thanks for the Update. Its great to see these cults losing their grip.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Interesting update. Just like JWs, they are ready to blame those who leave rather than admit that the problem is the church itself.

  • NewYork44M

    It is tough being a cult in this world today. The gravy days are over. Blame it on the internet.

  • steve2


  • Jeffro

    It's probably just a co-incidence, but I noticed in the graph above that there was a spike in LDS membership in 1975. I wonder how many of those were disaffected JWs.

  • steve2

    When there were more Mormons around, that was confusing enough, but now there are fewer Mormons around, the confusion continues. More, less, fewer, greater - all I know is they still try to run me off the road as they bike two-by-two along narrow country roads as I nervously negotiate a straighter, Mormon-free road ahead.

  • Violia

    Money and women rights, gays, and racism- it will get all of them eventually. Follow the money.

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