Mormons getting hollowed out: The tipping point has occurred.

by Qcmbr 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    That Mormon flow chart is briliant!

  • exwhyzee

    Encouraging their members go to College was the Mormons first mistake. JW's knew better than to let the the flock get smart enough to see beyond their fear tactics and flimsy doctrines that over and over again fell flat with time.

  • Satanus

    My goddess. Thats quite a flowchart. I wonder, do souls fall through the cracks quite often?


  • Qcmbr

    Yadda , I've put out some feelers to see if any of the other ex-mo people in the fb group have access to something concrete but so far nothing. It's very difficult to come up with concrete stats from the outside and also at the church level you only have local figures and you need to be a stake clerk to know the next level up and so on so fewer and fewer people have the real picture. What I will do is get a picture of the stage one chapel that was destined to be a stake centre (stage three expanded building) and show the sold land. I also had a look to see if I could point out the drop in UK tithing according to the charitable donations reports but something very screwy is going on there as 2011 shows an unusual leap in donations which I'll see if I can find an explanation for ( hint it isn't the members paying more in the middle of a recession .)

    Ok wasn't too hard, increased donations from parent company(Utah) , lumping in missionary donations and support costs ( missionaries get donations from home churches), whopping land donation (read moving internal assets around possibly for tax purposes). I'll do a better analysis of actual member contributions and graph it.

  • steve2

    The chief difference between The Mormons and The Witnesses is this: The Mormons have more archirecturally stunning buildings for the rank and file to photo-pose in front of. Even when I was a much better-looking young JW, the local quick-build Kingdom Hall was a feeble foil to my ravishing good looks. Give me a LDS temple anyday.

  • irondork

    Steve2: Even when I was a much better-looking young JW, the local quick-build Kingdom Hall was a feeble foil to my ravishing good look s.

    Oh, lord! LOL

    edit: Oh, Latter Day Saint!

  • slimboyfat

    Mormons have been declining for some time as census returns in various countries show. Official Mormon numbers are nonsense because they add those who join but do not subtract those who leave. Imagine what JW numbers would look like if they continued to count every person who has ever been baptised, but no longer goes to meetings our out preaching. That's what the Mormon church does.

  • Qcmbr

    This is my attempt to extrapolate some useful figures. Hope it helps!

    Dang - wrong scale on last graph. buggerbuggerbugger.

    Also no exact idea why church baptism rate / growth is not clearly linked. Assume that baptism doesn't include baptising children of record (born ins) and so the actual baptismal rate / membership loss through death and resignation is masked. Shrugs.

  • jookbeard

    Qcmbr; did you become a Mormon first and then a Dub or the other way around, never met a Morman/jw before, how did you find your life within each group?

  • Qcmbr

    Sorry never a JW, always Mormon. My LDS life was amazingly good in most cases. It just wasn't authentic. I got tired of acting.

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