Mormons getting hollowed out: The tipping point has occurred.

by Qcmbr 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    My neighbours next door to me were Mormons. I really didn't know this, and they never revealed this to me, It was later when two Mormon Elders came to my house, and told us about them. They also mentioned that they were inactive. Since then I always wondered what Mormons have to do to become inactive. They only do missionary service for two years. Does their inactivity have something to do about their tithing?

  • Qcmbr

    When I was active the definition was attending once a quarter - so 4 visits a year though active members will tend to go every week. Our church (ward) had over 300 members on the list at one stage ( I was the clerk )and ,at it's peak,50% were active. With a handful of exceptions everyone baptised while I was active left pretty quickly and became 'less active'. I handed my resignation notice in two weeks ago (my friend was released as Bishop and I didn't want him to have to process it) but I found some interesting hearsay that says my name will still be counted in official figures , I of course have no way of checking but it would help explain continued reported growth figures when the evidence on the ground is plain to see. Also I read that no Stakes ( groups of churches in a local area ) have been created due to expansion since 1996 in the uk, take that with a pinch of salt for now though I haven't verified it.

  • besty

    noticed the huge advert on the floor at London Charing X

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I'd like to see any status, graphs, charts, etc that backs-up your claim that the LDS have gone into negative growth.

  • irondork


  • rebel8
  • TD
    ...because the religion itself is so utterly dry and lifeless

    That strikes a chord. LDS services are every bit as dry and lifeless as JW services. Of course there is always more to a religion than the formal services themselves.

  • WTWizard

    I remember having a couple of Mor[m]ons living below me about 10 years ago, and it seems they were always attending some church function. Every other UPS package was from Utah. They were always running around. To me, it is a waste of time--and money. Any church that extorts 10% on the gross has to go, and good riddance. Next up, the jokehovian witlesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Moonies, and the Scientologists. These also have to go.

    Personally, it wouldn't bother me one bit if every single Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religion disappeared from the face of the earth and never came back. And every religion touched by one of these pieces of rubbish was returned to its pristine, uncorrupted condition so people can actually learn spirituality without seeking joke-hova, jesus, or allah. I don't have any respect for any of these parasitic religions that seek to enslave humanity, reduce life to worshiping a tyrant, and that bash women and homosexuals. And that lie about Satan--lies that are so blatant if anyone cares to read the first 3 chapters of Genesis in any common LIE-ble, but without bias.

  • ranmac

    I like the NewOrderMormon forum. Its alot like this this one but a little more civil.

    I think the LDS need to be a little more aggressive and controling. You can't have a loony belief system and a moderate allowance of skeptisism.

  • jj123jj123

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