My Final Goodbye

by Lady Lee 216 Replies latest forum announcements

  • minimus

    I just saw this.

    Lee seems to be a sweet lady over the years. I believe she has had a difficult life, per her own statements.

    I ALWAYS wonder why people need to announce they are done here, when typically they return.

    I know LL helped more than a few people here. I wish her well and expect her back in the future.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I wondered onto JWD, sorry JWN (old habits and all that) because I was thinking about Craig and all the fun we had here and you of course were a big part of that. I just want to say I wish you the best in whatever your endevors are. You are an amazing lady and surly put the "Lady" in your handle. You've been such a great help to so many people and leave a great legacy here which I dare say no one will ever be able to fill.

    +1. Well said Kate.


  • ohiocowboy

    To those who were unsure of LL's motives in her goodbye thread, did you PM her to ask for clarification of what she meant instead of assuming that she automatically meant something bad in what she wrote? As Humans, we some times have a tendency to read into things and base our own conclusions and judgements instead of asking for clarification. Just a thought...

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Why suggest taking it to PM? She is free to post a clarification to her original post or a reaction to others comments here if she likes just as others are free to interpret and react to her comments on this thread. If she wanted to say goodbye or resign by PM she was free to do that but she chose to say goodbye on a public thread on a public forum so I would guess she would expect to receive reactions here.

    On another note... Check out her post count at the top of this thread... what's up with that? It seems like we've lost over 100 of her posts... seems like this is going on with other posters too.

  • free2beme

    I think I remember a good bye thread from you once before. Years ago ... my advice, just do not take the site serious enough to have the need or feel the need to say good bye. Just a thought.

  • steve2

    Ohiocowboy, if someone keeps the door open for discussion, it would seem a natural step to perhaps email them for clarification. However, in her "Final Goodbye", LL made it clear she did not want to engage in any discussion about her OP. As I have taken care to say in my subsequent posts on this thread, that's her right - and I agree with some of my harshest critics, LL does not owe me an explanation. Yet, in my opinion - even if it is not shared by everyone - LL raised enough questions - albeit with utmost subtlety - about other's consciences in remaining silent. If LL herself cares enough about the implications of her sweeping judgements, she just might be reading other's reactions to her OP, and take some care and effort to clarify her OP. LL has proven herself over the years go be a capable and willing speaker on her own behalf - when she chooses to be.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    To those who were unsure of LL's motives in her goodbye thread, did you PM her to ask for clarification of what she meant instead of assuming that she automatically meant something bad in what she wrote? As Humans, we some times have a tendency to read into things and base our own conclusions and judgements instead of asking for clarification. Just a thought...

    So...are you saying she is still available HERE through PM...she just refuses to clarify on her own thread?

  • Finally-Free
    ...did you PM her to ask for clarification of what she meant...

    Her first sentence indicated she wasn't interested in discussing this.


  • ShirleyW

    "Her first sentence indicated she wasn't interested in discussing this."

    Yet for some reason this thread is still growing and LL has stated she has NO intention of posting again . . . very interesting.

  • mrsjones5

    Folks are talking it out.

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