Public Apology Nathan Natas

by Simon 115 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas there I was, out in garage, inflating my ego to near cosmic dimensions, when what to my wondering eyes should appear...

    but the brilliant bat-signal,

    up there,

    in the air!

    Simon, I want to give you a hearty virtual handshake and a brotherly slap on the back! It takes some real stones - and I don't mean 14 pounds or 6.3 kilos - to offer a public apology, and I accept, providing I am permitted to review the events leading up to my banishment to the land of thornd and thistles.

    I got into an argument with Cedars in the days after the suicide of Oompa. Cedars reported to Simon that I had threatened him. Cedars is a coward and a liar. I tried to explain what was happening to some of my friends via PMs here because the first stage of my punishment was that I could not make ANY public posts on ANY subject, but I was still able to use PM,so I did. Then that was turnred off and my account was closed.

    I think that is an accurate summary of the events, but that is MY opinion, subject to rebuttal by Simon or others.

    Maybe I have an ability to sniff out a bad fish before others do. Maybe I've just been lucky that the few times I thought I smelled a foul fish I was right. It's not something I do with great intent 24/7/365, sometimes my spidey-senses tingle.

    I am very moved by the kind words of so many. You are my community, my family-of-the-heart.

    JWN is the largest and best forum for XJWs and JWs who are starting to think. Be assured the WTB&TS fears and hates this community of thinkers and lovers of freedom.

  • venetian

    Let me be the first to welcome you back Nathan. You didn't know it, but you were a great help to me in those first vulnerable months after leaving the WT. Good to see you again


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury


  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hi Nathan!

    I did not see what happened in that oompa-thread, i was not so active here then. But I am happy to se that you are back and that you are giving Simon your handshake.

  • Simon

    Glad to have you back with us NN

    ... and I love the

  • Glander

    Nathan, you old trub maker!

    So, you seem conflicted. Are you Batman or Spiderman?

  • slimboyfat

    Welcome back Nathan Natas.

    I think you are correct that the Watchtower would be right to fear his forum. Without any of he bluster or grandstanding of certain other initiatives that could be mentioned, this forum is quite simply one of he premiere tools out there for battering away at the Watchtower armour and hurting them where it counts: in the lives of thousands of ordinary people wanting to broaden their minds beyond Watchtower rhetoric and false promises, and helping them to dare imagine constructing a life beyond the Watchtower.

  • BluePill2




    All good again.

  • Nickolas

    Well, well. An unmade omlette. Remarkable.

    So sorry to hear about Oompa.


    Welcome Home Nat!..

    ........................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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