North Korea - U.S - War ?

by *lost* 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • soontobe

    Korean Central News Agency Official Weather Forecast

    Wednesday: Sunny, high of 66 degrees.

    Thursday: Mushroom Croudy, record highs of 3 mirrion degrees.

    Friday: Radioactive precipitation. Citizens of the People's Democratic Repubric urged to stay indoors.

  • soontobe

    Off of CNN:

    Kim Jong Un is briefed by his generals in this undated photo. On the wall is a map titled "Plan for the strategic forces to target mainland U.S."

    The targets on the map are supposedly Honolulu, LA, Austin, and DC.

    Interesting article on why North Korea is throwing a temper tantrum:

    North Korea's Target List Is a Freudian Slip

    Propaganda campaigns inevitably experience the equivalent of a mass media Freudian slip, a moment so blatantly extreme their ostensibly crafted spiels of fear, hate and threat backfire and reveal an inconvenient truth or two about the propagandists.

    North Korea's latest round of saber-rattling theatrics provides several textbook examples of the phenomenon, but the Kim dictatorship's targeting of Austin, Texas, for nuclear destruction is particularly demonstrative.

    Last week, Pyongyang's Korean Workers Party propaganda organ, Rodong, published several photos of tyrant Kim Jong-Un allegedly chairing an emergency meeting in a top-secret command bunker. One photo shows a map with missile trajectories. According to, the map displays a missile strike plan, with the likely targets being Honolulu, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Austin.

    Propagandists always prefer to have proximate causes for unleashing a diatribe. Kim's alleged proximate cause for his emergency meeting was the participation of two U.S. B-2 strategic stealth bombers in South Korean-U.S. military exercises. For the record, the exercise is an annual event. The B-2s flew from Missouri to Asia, then returned.

    The annual South Korean-U.S. military exercises are an opportunity to train soldiers, but they also send the message that Seoul and Washington are prepared to defend South Korea and the allies possess an overwhelming offensive capability should North Korea repeat the mistake it made in June 1950. That's when the sire of the Kim hereditary dictatorship, Un's grand-daddy tyrant, Kim Il-Sung, completely underestimated U.S. resolve and launched the Korean War.

    It is highly improbable that the missile attack plan was something slapped together last month. Odds are good the cities are genuine, calculated targets. Honolulu makes immediate sense. The North's missiles can already hit it, and it is President Barack Obama's hometown.

    Los Angeles is a huge target area, ideal for missiles of questionable accuracy. Though not yet within range, it could be shortly. LA has millions of residents plus the icon targets of Hollywood and Disneyland. Washington is a no-brainer. North Korea can't hit the city, but threatening it puts nuclear bull's-eyes on U.S. leaders and America's capital. It's a personal and public tit for tat.

    But why Austin?

    The literal answer, and literal target, is South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co.'s Samsung Austin Semiconductor (SAS) manufacturing facility, located on Austin's north side. However, pinpointing the hometown of this facility is agitprop excess, for it tells us that the North Korean regime is aware of its own immense and tragic failure. Moreover, the thugs are ashamed.

    North Korea's real target, which the literal target represents, is South Korea's demonstrable success. Samsung and a hundred other South Korean enterprises with global reputations and reach demonstrate South Korea economic power and organizational strength. North Korea, a Communist Workers' Paradise, is a starving prison state, and its leaders are profoundly embarrassed.

    Last fall, the global success of rapper Psy's "Gangnam Style" hit tune and video made a statement about South Korean cultural influence. North Korea's gulag-style can't compete.

    This week, after North Korea declared that combat could begin within hours, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that Pyongyang is "on a collision course with the international community." Ban wants new negotiations, but, alas, the secretary general himself is a source of North Korean embarrassment. He is a South Korean, emblematic of South Korean political influence.

    Are the theatrics dangerous? Only if the world treats them as pure theatrics, for North Korea possesses truly destructive capabilities, which miscalculation or mistake could unleash. A rash North Korean general could punch a button. A rattled North Korean general could launch a conventional ground attack in his sector.

    The U.S. has deployed an anti-ballistic missile system that provides the U.S., South Korea and Japan with a defensive shield against the rash launch of a single missile. Unfortunately, the current system is very limited. This is a mistake that must be quickly corrected. A conventional ground attack that escalates is another matter.

    What is the intelligence indicator that will tell us when Washington and Seoul believe the propaganda campaign is over and war is likely? South Korea hosts thousands of U.S. military dependents. When they start to leave, pay close attention.

  • Satanus

    Upstaged by gangnam style. Its gotta hurt. He needs to put out his own song.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    This is the same song and dance North Korea has been using to extort money from the Industrial Countries. The amount of money they get for causing this much grief is crazy, once they get foodstuffs, money and other tech they will shut up and invite Dennis Rodman back for another basketball game and drink as much Hennesey Conac as they can buy with the Billions given them.

    We have been fighting China and North Korea with Economic Wars, it's not by accident the price of rare metals used in wafer fabrication, oil, and other resources a growing economy need's are so expensive. The price point for Sweet Crude to hurt China is suppose to be $130 a barrell over the intermediate period, China's ability to process Texas Junk or Shell Oil compounds is non existent on a large scale. Let's see what take's place, I am willing to bet not War!

  • soontobe
    Upstaged by gangnam style. Its gotta hurt. He needs to put out his own song.

    Well, his dad had a big hit.

  • Glander

    The south Park guys are overdue for another puppet movie. "Team America" was wonderful satire.

  • JakeM2012

    One North Korea saber raddling youthful leader huffs and puffs. One United States Nimitz class aircraft carrier responds. Priceless.

  • soontobe

    Some think what the Norks may have developed is a nuclear EMP weapon. If that's the case, very bad news.

  • skeeter1

    Did any of you see the interview with the one man who escaped from a North Korean jail on 60 Minutes?

    Please stop to watch this. His father was a dissident, and the government jails 3 generations of the dissident's family. This man who escaped was the son. He was born in jail.

    North Korean prisoner escaped after 23 brutal years

    December 2, 2012 4:42 PM

    Born in a prison camp, Shin Dong-hyuk describes how three generations of a family are incarcerated if one family member is considered disloyal. Anderson Cooper reports.

  • Satanus

    Ronery, hahaha. Loved team america world police.


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