North Korea - U.S - War ?

by *lost* 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • maisha

    WOuldnt ya love to get in a room with that little jerk and give him a GOOD SMACKING!


    That picture is so staged, it's ridiculous. That pic reminds me of the GB having a meeting about the preaching work and pointing towards the horizon!!

    That computer was purchased from Ebay. I believe it was from a Doctor Who episode. They couldn't make something cool looking?!

    I doubt there will be a war. What does North Korea stand to gain? They could never win. They would sign their death warrant. If there was a ground battle it would be for show from a U.S point of view. I can't believe that would ever happen because the Government would be throwing away lives needlessly. The North Korean Special Forces are not to be underestimated. Those guys can take on Seals or Spetsnaz, but they make up a small part of the North Korean forces. They would probably never get a chance to do anything. They will just get droned..

  • Satanus

    'They will just get droned..'

    Hahaha. I needed a laugh w my morning coffee.


  • Balaamsass

    The north Koreans are hungry and desperate..yet have a huge military. South Korea's rich capitol is only 30 miles away..the suburbs closer. Kim doesn't have to take control of the country...just "kidnap" the capitol, then negotiate.

    The USA has been fighting wars on all fronts since 9/11. Look what happened to the Soviet Economy...heck look what happened to Rome. Large standing armies are expensive in the best of times. Another conflict is an added cost to the US economy...China can come looking like a "peacemaker" without spending a dime.

    This "crises" gets attention away from the recent Chinese Army hacking and trade secret thefts. It will make the USA, AUS, and Europe less critical of China if CHINA comes through as the final peace broker. The UN may "PAY" North Korea $$ and lift sanctions etc. if they are successful. North Korea can sacrifice a hundred thousand soldiers and hundreds of old tanks for the win...fewer mouths to feed.

    hummm...time will tell.

  • NVR2L8

    I travel to South Korea once a year and I was in Seoul shortly after North Korea bombed the island and killed 4 people. The news papers were reporting the retorics from the North and I asked my host if I was going to be able to make it back home before the war starts! He started to laugh and said that the threats of war have been going on for decades...that they were part of North Korea's strategy to obtain concessions and aid from foreign nations. I not saying that this time there are no risks of escalation, but what I see here in the news has been a daily occurance for decades for South Koreans...

  • Satanus

    So basically, nk has no choice but to carry on w the charade. If the nk govt ever stops, ie, admits that the enemies out there doctrine is bs and that it is failing its people, chaos would break out and the country would disintegrate. Think east germany as the wall fell. Only, it would be even swifter and worse. Like any antisocial cult, nk needs external enemies



    @ SATANUS,

    Glad I could help! I will be here all week!

  • Glander

    Today, it is being reported that Kim Yung Jr. has likened the United States vulnerability to a "boiled pumpkin".

  • soontobe
    Today, it is being reported that Kim Yung Jr. has likened the United States vulnerability to a "boiled pumpkin".

    Glander, we cancelled the scheduled missile defense expansion on the West Coast in 2009. We didn't need to worry so much once the Lightworker had assumed the helm, right? Peace on earth and good will among men!

    Now the Administration has flipped and is bringing the expansion back, but we'll now have to wait years for it to be operational. Had it not been cancelled, it would have been operational right now. Heaven forbid, but here's hoping it isn't something we'll end up needing.

  • Defianttruth

    My neighbor is a Col. In military intel. We were talking about dprk after Easter. He told me it would take 15 min to sink all the offensive vessels in the north Korean Navy. The North Koreans only have enough fuel reserve for Airforce for one day. Once allied air dominance is established it should take fewer than 4 days to cut the head off of the snake. Then if we are smart we look at china and say here's your newest state of the Chinese Republic.

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