North Korea - U.S - War ?

by *lost* 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • soontobe

    Sounds about right to me, jgnat.

  • fulltimestudent

    Reference 'China taking back Hongkong.' The facts are that Imperial China was forced to allow British occupation of HK after the Opium war (Britain forcing China to permit the Brits to sell Opium in China). They later leased the so-called 'new territories,' because HK Island by itself was not viable. Again it was a forced lease. The lease expired in 1997, and since China would not renew the lease, and the Brits realised that HK would not work without the 'new teritories,' the Brits made a decision to hand all of HK back to China. So no force, just a pragmatic decision on the part of the UK.

  • fulltimestudent

    The problem is that we can't "see" what's happening. As many have pointed out, it's so similar to the WTBTS. We have only the foggiest notions as to how and why the GB decidee certain matters. Of course, to GB, everything they do and say is logical, as its based on their view of the world (not so distant from many protestant sect views).

    Whatever is happening in NK, will be logical to them also, based on their view of the world.

  • Glander

    We, that is the US, has begun to whimper in China's general direction. "Please, step in and get these nitwits under control"

    China, being in their element, sees letting NK reach critical mass as a win win for them. They don't muss their hair then walk in and take over NK

  • Talk22

    If North Korea Starts a War the United States Will Lose

    At this moment, imagine the reality of the world we live in and not the dictates of the psycho-babble globalist controlled mainstream media. The Chinese Communist Party is in disarray as a new leadership is ushered into power with strong influence from the People’s Liberation Army who wishes to exert its power over East Asia and permanently eradicate the dominance and necessity of dealings with the United States.

    In North Korea the new leadership is splintering the military elites, Kim Jong-Un has been quietly replacing older generals with a new, more radical generation of leaders along with forming a government which might be more adept at action versus diplomacy as the nation declared they were aiming rockets at US bases in Asia and declaring a state of war existing again thus ending the armistice with the South.

    The sudden movement of B-2 stealth bombers, B-52 bombers, and now a group of F-22 Raptorsbeing sent into the region should spell out just how seriously the Pentagon views the North Korean saber rattling but there is an overhanging question which must be answered:

    Can North Korea defeat the United States of America in a war which results in an exchange of nuclear weapons?

    The answer in short is:


    The United States faces, in my opinion, a less than 0.5% chance of being hit by a crude or advanced fission type nuclear weapon by North Korea. In fact the delivery systems they currently possess limit the ability of the regime in Pyongyang to very few targets outside of their region, putting US troops at risk but worse, the ability to destroy America does exist in that region. One map illustrating the targets of highest probability demonstrates why:


    The North Koreans only need to strike two cities, Seoul in South Korea and Tokyo in Japan and the United States of America reverts to a level of economic activity equal to pre-World War II levels if we are lucky. How does North Korea lose the war but defeat the U.S.?

    Check out these charts from CNN/Fortune Magazine Global 500 Companies of 2012, first from Japan:


    And now, the top companies from the survey from South Korea:


    The names listed above have only one alternative nation that is capable of replacing the lost production capacity; and they just happen to be the largest holder of our Treasuries outside of the Federal Reserve plus US citizens. Again, take a look at the names and consider not just the people who would perish, but the jobs lost, the productivity and innovation lost, and the ability to buy our crappy bonds by their central banks lost:


    (from US Treasury Data)

    IF there was a war with North Korea, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, the Communist Chinese would be forced into action and the headlines last night reflect the severity of this crisis with a mobilization on the North Korean border:

    China mobilizing troops, jets near Korea

    From Bill Gertz’s article in the Washington Free Beacon:

    According to the officials, the PLA has stepped up military mobilization in the border region with North Korea since mid-March, including troop movements and warplane activity.

    China’s navy also conducted live-firing naval drills by warships in the Yellow Sea that were set to end Monday near the Korean peninsula, in apparent support of North Korea, which was angered by ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills that are set to continue throughout April.

    North Korea, meanwhile, is mobilizing missile forces, including road-mobile short- and medium-range missiles, according to officials familiar with satellite imagery of missile bases.

    This is not a normal reaction to the typical North Korean leadership bluster and in fact might be a move to contain North Korean forces and refugees along with illicit weaponry form being smuggled into China; at least that is what it appears to the Western world.

    I put forth the following for my readers to prepare for a period of global tribulation should a conflict erupt and the cities of Seoul and Tokyo be vaporized:

    1. North Korea would cease to exist. America would retaliate with its strategic arsenal and millions would be killed.
    2. South Korea would become an uninhabitable war zone, with millions dying from radiation sickness and God knows what else as the North begins its “use it or lose it” strategy with all NBC weaponry available; including biological weapons dispersed worldwide. Economic activity on the peninsula would cease to exist.
    3. With the combination of Fukishima and Tokyo, fully 50% to 60% of the Japanese nation would become a wasteland. This will result in a reduction in output and GDP along with the eradication of one of the world’s primary financial centers to the point where Japan would be the equivalent of Ethiopia or Sudan.
    4. The United States will receive the bulk of the blame for failing to engage in “diplomatic options” when the opportunity was available. The rest of the world will blame us for the tragedy even though a pint-sized psychopath was responsible; Chinese and United Nations’ ideological propaganda will influence the Third World into believing this falsehood.
    5. Economic activity in the United States will be reduced by at least 20% within weeks and bankruptcies will skyrocket as a result within 6 months of the event. Unemployment will probably soar above 25% even using the fictitious BLS figures.

    I submit that this is not an event which could occur by accident. The fact that China will end up in such a conflict with the appearance as the “peacemaker” and “peacekeeper” is not a fluke but by design. The ChiComs also hold the advantage as the only global economic power which could replace the lost manufacturing capacity in Japan and South Korea. The Communist Chinese do not have a consumer based economy and the militarized new leadership would prefer a solution which eradicates US and Japanese influence form the region to create a monopoly on economic activity blocking India’s growth and forcing Europe to shift alliances away from North America and more towards the Chinese sphere of influence.

    Taiwan would become a subject nation as would other Asian nations and Russia would take a leadership role in world political affairs with China putting the United States into a subordinate position not due to our military capabilities, but our economic impotence. The inability to force China to continue funding our government spending and maintain a trade imbalance due to a massive decline in economic activity will crush our regime and force a turn towards isolationism away from attempts to impede upon Chinese colonialist efforts in Africa and Latin America. The resulting crisis will give the current administration every excuse needed to impose martial law and invite global cooperation to create a new program for controlling the behavior both politically and economically for American citizens.

    In the end, if this scenario bears fruit, the North Korean leader will be found some three decades later watching pornography and enjoying a life of luxury deep inside China after the United States and its citizens are subjugated to a new world system of governance. In other words, he wins, his people die, and the United States, Japan, and South Korea lose their freedoms and ability to exist as truly independent nations.



  • designs

    Nov. 1950- Jan.1951 China sent massive numbers of troops onto the Korean peninsula. The historical point has not been lost- China does not want US military presence on its borders (anymore than the US would tolerate a Chinese military base built along our southern border..

  • *lost*

    Talk 22

  • soontobe

    One wonders what the hell kind of game they think they are playing:

    Agence France-Presse Verified account‏ @AFP

    #BREAKING: N. Korea army says it has final approval for nuclear attack on US

  • Glander

    Just in - Dennis Rodman has been on the phone with his little buddy. There is hope of a peaceful resolution.

  • soontobe


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