I've been studying for about a year now...

by Meow921 161 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I've checked out other churches/religions in my area, and no one seems to teach the Bible except

    You've got to be kidding...man, are you looking in the wrong places.

  • Nowhere

    quote from "The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life, 1968, p. 13":

    "Since we do not want our worship to be vain, it is important for each one of us to examine his religion.

    We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated...

    ...If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination."

    Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. - Albert Einstein
  • JT

    Will Power

    Crazy or not, YouKnow sounds like he is in turmoil


    I agree 100%

  • Meow921

    Hi again, I'm on the way to asking my questions, but I thought I'd put another one out to you folks....

    Why would the JW's try to lead one astray from what the "real truth" is? They don't ask for money, political office, or anything like that. For the most part (of course there are always bad eggs in every carton)they seem to be good people. I'm just wondering what their motivation is.

  • Satanus

    Jws have good motives. They want to make other people into jws, so their god won't kill them real soon.

    Also, most jws are good people. They are just terribly misled, intimidated, fearful, stressed because of their mixed up beliefs, and all the things they think they need to do so that god won't kill them as well. They really don't have a clue about what god truly is. Just because they have a name for god, they think they have special knowledge.


  • LB
    Why would the JW's try to lead one astray from what the "real truth" is?

    I have extreme doubts that anyone knows what the real truth is. Many are convinced that they have the "real truth".

    They don't ask for money, political office, or anything like that.
    Don't kid yourself about money. It's all about money. You'll attend service meetings where you'll always here that "we need a little more to make ends meet" . They will always "encourage" you to ask for some small change when at the door. This is a huge publishing company. They have thousands of young men working for free at Bethal.
    I'm just wondering what their motivation is.
    Many have the motivation of trying to save you. Just like any religion. Just remember this religion will enter every facet of your life. Including your bedroom activities with your wife. No oral. That's a sin.

    A big one for me was, you just can't quit. Not without losing everyone.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • pseudoxristos

    Convincing others to accept their belief system helps them to feel more confident that they have the truth. Imagine surrounding yourself with people that have the same beliefs as you. After awhile, you will no longer be able to see the issues with objectivity. This is how many have slowly sunk into the Watchtower trap.

  • Satanus


    About 'the truth'. Whoever claimed that we wicked apostates got 'the truth'? I know that many here see some truths, especially about wt history. But there is no 'body of truth' for some specific group or person to posess. Truths are scattered throughout this civilization on this planet. Truths have been found by many groups and many individuals.

    The wt people may have a truth or two, that's no big deal. Read 100 year old anglican literature, 1000 yr old catholic literature, 2500 year old hindu or buddhist literature, and you will many truths. Read mideaval books on magic, the precurser of modern science and medicine, and there are more truths. Yet the wt does not want you to check their own writings of 70 years ago, because it condemns them now.

    The wt has nothing at all that is new. They have borrowed most of their stuff from other religions. The name jehovah, for instance, it was invented by the catholic church in the year 1270. The wt book called 'aide to bible understanding' says this on page 885. That would be a good question to ask them. I bet they would switch they subject really quickly, to its pronounciation, or how the letters were added.

    Good luck

  • TheStar

    Don't be misled Meow, it's all about MONEY. If you're a good JW you should be making a donation every month to your local Kingdom Hall, the world wide work (Brooklyn), for you magazines and books (Brooklyn), for Kingdom Hall quick builds (again Brooklyn) and any other special needs locally or worldwide. When you preach door to door you should also mention the donation arrangement... IE get the householder to give you a donation and send it to Brooklyn! Brooklyn headquarters owns millions in Real Estate.

    Let us know how your visit with the JWs went.

  • jerome

    Its seems as though meow wont be coming back.


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