No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?

by El_Guapo 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • El_Guapo

    For years, I was told this..... " Anyone who leaves the org is bitter, sad, and worse off, why do you think they come back??? Guess what guys I am the opposite, Now I quit cold-turkey (looking back, I should have faded correctly) I am planning on going to the memorial this month just to hear all "the friends" tell me how much they missed me. My response, I still live at the same place, why didn't you ever stop by? You missed me?, Why didn't you call or text? You have a weird way of showing it. LOL

    Since I have left the meetings, (Jan. was my last meeting, I think)

    I have lost 33 lbs (as of 03/06/2013), my blood sugar has never been more stable, and I am on track for being the employee of the quarter..... NEVER been happier!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Alright! I've been following your exit on here and am very happy for you.

  • Tater-T

    no one in The "truth" is happy.. really.. it totally sucks...

    I'm thrilled I'll never have to entertain the Idea of returning..

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Congratulations on your life. Wish you continued success and happiness.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I (sort of) fit their stereotype. I was troubled before I joined and I had loads of unresolved issues.
    I am resolving those issues since I left and work ever closer toward happiness.

    All some will know is that I was miserable when I left and had to learn to cope with leaving. They believe what they want to believe.

    They will say that El_Guapo was sucked into Satan's materialistic world and lost weight due to drugs or something like that.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    El Guapo, Wow. I am so happy your health has improved. No waiting on Jehovah. lol Are you really going to Memorial at your old Hall or are you just pulling our leg? If you do go, are you fitting into an old suit, or are you going to buy a new one?

    Just Lois

  • gma-tired2

    El Guapo I remeber hearing that staement all my life now I have a new statement We now learn what true happiness as does my family. I wsh them the avility to find happiness. Congraulations sounds as if stress is leaving your life and happiness is entering.

  • franticfran

    Its true about the " we really miss you at meetings etc" its so utterly false! My husband says he is going to the memorial this year and I ask him ...why?? I see absolutely no point whatsoever in putting myself through that again,but he says "well, its the only command from Jehovah" feel sad for him, but refuse to be emotionaly blackmailed into sitting with those people. I lost a stone in weight after our upset but only because those people made me so ill I was unable to eat,I really ought to thank them for that because I looked great and felt so good about how I looked. Might go back just to lose a few pounds though!!

  • BluesBrother

    They have to keep saying this , I would guess that there is a psychological term for it , a symbol of the cult mentality.

    I mean, "just look at him - he spends Saturday mornings with his family and sleeps in. He has a full time job with money, goes to whatever cinema he fancies with no bad conscience, takes holidays abroad rather than at The Convention, answers to no one except his boss and his conscience.........but you cannot tell me that he is happy!"

  • problemaddict

    You know I think it works both ways. Some people are bitter from their experience and their leaving does not help them but isolates them. It may not be 100% their fault of course. But there are people that really need some sort of anchor in their life, even if it is in my opinion, the wrong anchor. So when they lose it, they start trippin. In addition, there are alot of people that leave after beign raised a JW, and they jsut want to do all the things they couldn't do. So they go off the deep end into partying, drugs, etc... This is not uncommon.

    You, and most of the people here are introspective and leaving for different reasons. THAT is what enables you to have left and be happy. Its a perspective thing.

    Congruently, there are people who are in.....that are miserable. True. But there are many more that are very happy. I certainly was. I enjoyed my time, and the bad times were more than made up for by the good times. I had (and have) great friends, and I met my wife whom I love.

    So to speak in definite terms about anyone, doesn't do anyone any good.

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