No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?

by El_Guapo 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    That old canard really goes deep, the number of JW's that I greet and talk to, who say "How are you?" and when I tell them, they repeat it !! "Yes, but how are you ?", silently adding the word "really", they simply cannot beleive that I am happier than I have ever been, in all ways.

    That religion is a miserable, depressing, debilitating one, as soon as you walk away for good, a huge weight is lifted from you.

    From then on you progress to finding the real "you" and to realising that the world is a wonderful place, full of wonderful, lovely people, full of opportunity and real hope, the WT/JW world is simply full of s**t.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I have never been happier than since I quit!

  • DesirousOfChange

    .......but you cannot tell me that he is happy!"

    OR, if it is undeniably obvious that you are happy and successful then they say:

    "It's good that he's enjoying himself now, because he chose this life over living forever in Paradise."



    I`m happy..

    I was told I wasn`t..They were willing to argue about it..


    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    No one who stays in the "truth" is ever happy. Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Thats right. We are all miserable and have lost our way. We have no meaning to our lives any more.

    And they are the happiest people on earth

  • LisaRose

    This is is a common Jehovah's Witness misconception, promulgated by the WTBTS. It is miind control tactic. They tell everyone that they would be miserable if they leave, lost, cut off from Jehovah. JWs have heard this so nuch they believe it to be true, and it makes them afraid to leave. They are not allowed to talk to former members, so they don't know if it is true or not. The only truth to it is that yes, if you are being shunned by your family or friends, that does not feel good, it's hurtful and cruel. But aside from that, many ex JWs have very happy lives. I have never been happier, although when I say this to JWs, they simply do not believe me. My JW sister says things like this to me all the time. When I correct her and say that actually my life is great, she just ignores that, and will later deny I said any such thing. Mind control is a powerful thing.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Oh yeah, lots of rending of garments, weeping, and gnashing of teeth here.



  • El_Guapo

    El Guapo, Wow. I am so happy your health has improved. No waiting on Jehovah. lol Are you really going to Memorial at your old Hall or are you just pulling our leg? If you do go, are you fitting into an old suit, or are you going to buy a new one?

    Just Lois

    No, I am seriously planning on going.

    A brother came by my house last night to drop off a memorial inviation. He said we missed you and I wanted to bring this to you. I asked: Do you miss ME, really? I haven't been to a meeting in 3 months and you've never called me? Do you only care for me if I got to meetings? He said: Uhhh I gotta go. LOL

    I do have to take a suit to get altered, no way it's fitting.


    “No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?”

    Truth is absolute. It's not possible to leave the truth. Truth will follow you and pervade every moment of your life.

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the truth, just a pack of ever changing lies which are presented as the truth.

    So, leaving the Watchtower Society's is not the same as trying to leave the truth.

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