No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?

by El_Guapo 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    EG - This is great, I'm happy for you. I guess they will be left scratching their heads as to why you look better than you did when they see you at memorial. That has got to feel good!

  • sir82
    I have lost 33 lbs (as of 03/06/2013), my blood sugar has never been more stable, and I am on track for being the employee of the quarter..... NEVER been happier!

    Obviously Satan is making sure you have seeming success.

    Come back to mama, brother! A life of mindless drudgery awaits!

  • goatshapeddemon

    As some have noted already, JWs for the most part are *not* truly happy. They live in the shadow of happy and tell themselves they feel the sun, and no one has ever felt such sun. They have to say that and they have to believe that - it's justification of effort (our favorite!!!) again. How could they be ruining their lives if they're unhappy too!?!

    Wow - holy cow - if average Joe witness knew how much better a shot of happiness they'd have living a normal life, their retention rate would be even worse than it is now.

  • clarity

    There are so many +'s to getting out ...physically & mentally!


    It is not just the weight of the whole routine, or false doctrine,

    or false brothers, the cliques, the shunning/df ing threat .....that

    we are free from.


    But, it's that awful dread. The fear & armageddon death thoughts,

    the reoccuring squeeze in the stomach, that makes our hearts race

    with panic!


    Now, that is all gone ..........the real lite got shone on it all......and

    I looked.........& there was nothing there anymore!


    Peace of mind, strong sense of SELF that's happiness.


  • bsmart

    franticfran said

    but he says "well, its the only command from Jehovah"

    Tell him to check his scriptures, it is actually a command of Jesus.

  • jam

    Tell them you are as happy as a runway slave, literally.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Leaving is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I’ve never been happier. Who ever says No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy is just trying to convince themselves they are happy in their miserable existence as a cult member.

  • Wonka

    Viva El Guapo!!!

    Would you say you have a "plethora" of suits that need to be altered?

  • fiddler

    I found 'peace of mind' finally when I left! The ONLY unhappiness I have experienced is directly related to the JW's.

    I have lost my daughter and my only grandbaby because they have convinced my daughter that I am to be viewed as poisen and as mentally diseased. Last year I was denied the right to say goodbye to my dying father and to give him my last hugs because a psychopathic stepmother took full advantage of the Watchtower lies (above) and convinced my father that his eternal life would be at stake if he had anything to do with me. Because of their LIES my life has been affected negatively (as it was when I was in).

    As for my life now..............I am doing what I was meant to be doing sharing my gifts and talents with others. Growing up (finally) into a responsible adult in my 40's (now in my 50's) and actually experiencing truly wonderful moments and learning how great it is to NOT be judgemental so that I have met some of the most incredible people I never would have met before. How is being kept perpetually DEPENDANT on an organization a HAPPY thing??? To finally GROW UP in midlife is an 'About Time' moment! Those of you who are getting out in your 20's and 30's have even more to be happy about

    What liars they are (even though the R & F don't realize that they are lying to themselves)

  • fiddler

    I found 'peace of mind' finally when I left! The ONLY unhappiness I have experienced is directly related to the JW's.

    I have lost my daughter and my only grandbaby because they have convinced my daughter that I am to be viewed as poisen and as mentally diseased. Last year I was denied the right to say goodbye to my dying father and to give him my last hugs because a psychopathic stepmother took full advantage of the Watchtower lies (above) and convinced my father that his eternal life would be at stake if he had anything to do with me. Because of their LIES my life has been affected negatively (as it was when I was in).

    As for my life now..............I am doing what I was meant to be doing sharing my gifts and talents with others. Growing up (finally) into a responsible adult in my 40's (now in my 50's) and actually experiencing truly wonderful moments and learning how great it is to NOT be judgemental so that I have met some of the most incredible people I never would have met before. How is being kept perpetually DEPENDANT on an organization a HAPPY thing??? To finally GROW UP in midlife is an 'About Time' moment! Those of you who are getting out in your 20's and 30's have even more to be happy about

    What liars they are (even though the R & F don't realize that they are lying to themselves)

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