If there is a God why didn't he sign our DNA

by scotoma 153 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos
    Why should god value a person's ability to assent to unlikely ideas?

    Heh, I'm not sure. But let's not assume that God doesn't value "kindness or compassion or loyalty", it needn't be a case of "one or the other". As a Witness, I believed that God valued faith because at the time of ancient Israel, no one questioned his existence. "Faith" meant "trust in the power of God". Only in modern times has Satan decided to make things more difficult by hiding God using the so-called "age of reason". Now faith is more difficult to have than it used to be, but if we appreciate God's values enough, then we will persist in believing in and worshipping him. Or something like that. Sounds kind of strained, doesn't it?

  • tec

    What would that have done for all the millions upon millions of people before DNA was even discovered? Is it just tough luck for them? Would we even understand/recognize his 'signature' at this point in time? Maybe its just tough luck for us and one day people will discover that signature? Does that sound fair?



  • cofty

    Apo - Yes very strained.

    Tammy - So change the question to anything that overcomes your objection.

    The fact of god's total hiddenness remains.

  • Apognophos

    I'd like to suggest an alternative question, cofty -- why didn't God write his name on the Moon? A big YHWH up there. It would be visible to man throughout all his history, no technology required. But when I asked myself that as a Witness, I always reassured myself that the faith in His existence was what God valued.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    So, He also waited 98,000 years before uttering His time-transcending words to be carved onto stone tablets...

    Tough luck for the peoples that lived during those 98,000 years?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    Occam's rasor.

    Start with the simple stuff first. He can just show up, can't he?

  • tec

    So, He also waited 98,000 years before uttering His time-transcending words to be carved onto stone tablets...

    Of course not. The Spirit speaks within... unless one's heart is so hard that it will not hear, or heed, the 'law'. For those people, the law was written on stone tablets... because their hearts were too hard to allow that law to be written upon them. (harder than stone it would seem)

    For others, they hear and have heard... and that law (of love) is within them. No written law needed; not stone tablets needed.

    God's 'signature' is the Spirit, His Son and the life given to us; and love. Some people recognize that; some do not. But the Spirit is available to us all. Not just one particular group at one particular time with one particular level of education.

    Peace to you,


  • bohm

    I try my best to not show my kids i love them, you know, i try to be away a lot and not phone them. I mean, if they had me around, they wouldnt need to have faith in my love for them, and that would be bad.

    im soooo awsome!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    God's 'signature' is the Spirit, His Son and the life given to us; and love.

    Which god?

    Were the peoples of the East much smarter than the people of the Middle East to have made their connections with their gods thousands of years before YHWH came in the picture? Or was he always there....

  • tec

    He (the father of Christ) was always there. Known otherwise by different people; but always there. It should not be hard to see how we change the truth just from looking at 'christianity' over the last two thousand years... adding bits here, taking bits there, chaging bits here and there... so that we have quite the assortment of ideas and such from culture to culture. The truth remains the same, despite the words and traits and doctrines and such that people put to that truth, themselves. We have Christ - the Image of God - to show us the Truth of God, because of all the 'images' man has created and made of God.

    (Abraham came from the East, btw)

    YHWH did not pop into existence with Moses, or even with Abraham.



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