My wife just told me to move out...

by nolongerconfused 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tenyearsafter

    I feel stupid...what does TTATT stand for?

  • wasblind

    Withdrew that comment scince you don't have kids


  • BluePill2

    Sorry to hear that nolongerconfused. If you want to keep the marriage your in for a looong haul.

    I was in the same situation. Stayed 5 more years, toning down, toning up, going back to the Hall because of her. In the end I was tired and she was constantly angry at me - even if I didn't talk about TTATT or even things related to religion.

    We separated 2 1/2 years ago, divorce undergoing....we both moved out. Sad. Very tiredsome. Hurtful.

  • jgnat

    I echo the sentiment not to move out, and to consult a divorce attorney. Separate your bank accounts and credit cards if you haven't already. Not that you are conceding to a divorce, but you need the facts. Stop trying to read the bible to her. You've said too much about how you really feel, you've thoroughly scared her, and she's put you firmly in the "apostate" camp. You've grown horns and a tail and if you try and instruct her she will assume it is from Satan himself.

    So win her without a word. You can tell her that's your plan.

    I'm giving you an assignment. Complete the attached form. You don't need to submit it, but you have to think about all this stuff before you can approach your wife again.

    Are you attending any meetings at all?

    P.S. TTATT - The Truth About The Truth.

  • nolongerconfused

    I have left the ORG and have refused "help" from elders I have fully faded...

    I have, however, woken up my parents and brother and they have left the org as well...

  • jgnat

    I'd keep "attending a meeting or two" in your back pocket as a negotiating chip. Use wisely. Refuse false hope from setting in by never attending two in a row.

    Be happy and relaxed when she returns from a meeting alone. Have wine, candles, a small snack, a favorite movie ready to go.

    Be sympathetic and kind if she skips a meeting, and assure her that her spirituality is not in danger.

    Get some slick vacation brochures for her to ponder, and plan time away from the meetings for her.

  • tenyearsafter

    Thanks jgnat!...I must have missed that acronym when it started being used.

  • Finkelstein

    Because of "religious" differences, she now wants me to move out and "separate"...I said what biblical grounds does she have for her request?

    She doesn't , she is still under your subjection as a wife even if you are not a JWS.

    Remind her of this and find scriptures to show her.

    If she refuses to acknowledge this, tell her you will address the matter with one of the elders in her hall.

    You are still the head of the house.

  • jgnat

    Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. How would you negotiate with Satan? You wouldn't even address that trickster! And to have him living in your home, sharing your air, eating with you?

    Somehow, that image must be erased and she needs to see you again as a flesh-and-blood human being, with thoughts and feelings that deserve to be respected. When cut, you bleed.

  • DesirousOfChange

    marked for the "cult form"

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