What are the 3 most unusual things you have done?

by Lady Lee 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I used to ride 100 km a day 3 times a week. Wish my wheelchair would go as fast.

    peppers I suspect you weren't Marine of the month the ssame month you threw the rock -- then again.. lol

    I like the idea of parasailing. I got some amazing shots of a few guys doing it one fall day years ago. It looked awesome. I'll take a pass on the weed and bungie jumping (bad back), but would love the hot air balloon.

    I did ride a horse and after 5 minutes felt like I belonged there. After 2 hours got off and felt great. Although when the horse spotted the barn he decided to race and I almost fell off but managed to stop him.

    I've watched those crabs run sideways. They are pretty fast critters. Wouldn't want to try catching them though.

    Fernando. You aught to make that available to others if you haven't already.

  • rebel8

    Drove a tractor trailer (w/o knowing how)

    Climbed around the crawl space of an ancient church (lots of guano!), then rang the bell (aggravated the town!)

    Had a suspect confess, for the first time, to me--very brutal, high profile rape and murder of a child

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    rebel I don't think I could have handled that last one

  • ballistic

    OK you're going to think I'm mad now but this really happened. I felt that I was either being teased or belittled by my siblings as a child. After a ball trick where a ball was being passed from person to person, my sister did a card trick on me. So after that, I took the cards and shuffled them and said pick a card and I will tell you what it is, and my sister took the card, and I said it's the 9 of diamonds.

    I have never tried this before or since. My sister looked horrified because there was absolutely no way I could know what the card was and no trick involved, and yet I had somehow given her the right answer. I guess I have experienced magic in a card trick which is very rare, as we all know they are slight of hand usually.

  • Skbj

    If only people who applied for jobs could write this kinda stuff instead of boring work experience...wouldn't make it more interesting reading CVs? Lee, love your pic of the Elephant riding, when I was in Thailand I got to bathe an elephant at one of the sancturies they are such gracious animals.

    Lots of really cool stuff from everyone. I've got far too many so I'll pick my 3 favourite events of my life (besides meeting my husband ofc)

    1) going out at sea off the Argentinian coast for whale watching during mating season

    2) bathe in volcanic mud near Cartagena in Colombia

    3) celebrate the best day of my working career through an unexpected business meeting with Jay Z (have met many celebs but he's the only one that got me weak at my knees like a 14 years old girl lol)

    Needless to say if I had been in the borg I would have probably not done any of these experiences.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'll have to think on this, but my first one is that I saved the King's creampuffs.

  • LisaRose

    I haven't done anything nearly as interesting as some of the others, but here goes.

    I connected up with a guy I knew in high school, 28 years later. Moved to a different state so we could get married, we've been together 13 years now. Scariest thing I've ever done, but no regrets.

    While I was living in Colorado, took the cog railway to the top of Piles Peak twice. The view from on top inspired the song, America The Beautiful. Lots of lightning too. But not much oxygen.

    I went on a few antique buying trips in the Midwest with my best friend. We went to flea markets, antique malls and estate sales. We would totally fill her F150 pickup with junk. If you are in this business their is nothing more fun. One time my friend picked a motel to stay near a big antique show. I was dubious of someplace called the "affordo", but she assured me it would be clean (it's the Midwest!). The front looked decent, so we checked in. Unfortunately, the rooms lacked even basic cleanliness, and the lock could have been broken by a three year old. To top it off, there were 8 day laborers drinking beer right outside our door. We figured if those guys had enough beer even two old ladies like us might start to look good. We walked through the gauntlet of men and turned in our key (no, really, you can keep your $35). We got 5 miles down the road and I realized I left my phone in the motel. So, back to get the key, gauntlet of men, etc. We had to dive 80 miles to get a room, this was after the 10 hour drive to get there. I never my friend live that one down.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Affordo. That is the funniest thing I've heard all day.

  • kurtbethel

    One one incredible day a few years ago I set foot in Africa for the first time, met LouBelle, saw and swam in the Indian Ocean for the first time, found my first southern hemisphere geocache, and after it got dark saw the Southern Cross for the first time.

    All this in one day.

    Ahhh, LouBelle.....

  • Mum

    When I was 7 years old, in th 1950's, I spent 9 months in the Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children in Lexington, Kentucky. When I tell people this, they often say something like, "Awwwww." But I say, "Yippee!" Pat Boone was in the area making a movie called April Love. He, Shirley Jones, and two other actors, came to the hospital and spent some time with us kids. Shirley Jones sang "Oh, what a Beautiful Morning," and Pat Boone sang a verse of "Love Letters in the Mud," a parody of his hit "Love Letters in the Sand." I have an autographed picture to commemorate that exciting day. Two years later, I was in the same hospital for about three months, and Fess Parker came to visit. He kissed me on the forehead! Life in the hospital was one of the best parts of my childhood. I was an East Tennessee/Eastern Kentucky hillbilly, and I was experiencing indoor plumbing and "exotic" foods (i.e., not fresh from the garden or the smokehouse, not beans and potatoes either). A new hospital was built during my first stay, and I was chosen to be the first child to enter the new hospital. My picture was in the paper, my 15 minutes of fame.

    In 2002, my daughter and I went to Brooklyn and participated in the Silentlambs march. My daughter had never been to NY before, and fell in love with it!

    In 2003, I went to London (England, not Kentucky) where I met up with dungbeetle, who used to post here. She and I went to the Watchtower headquarters there and left a couple of lambs. The English JW's were excruciatingly polite. We also took the Chunnel train to Paris.



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