What are the 3 most unusual things you have done?

by Lady Lee 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I've enjoyed reading all these cool things you all have done!

    I guess the thing I've done that was most awesome for me was to go to China and stand on the great wall. I had the feeling there that I couldn't get any farther from home without leaving the planet. Not just that the great wall is so far and so amazing, but also that the Chinese culture was very strange to me. I really understood what "foreign" means.

    Also, became a published writer which I never expected as a JW. That means a lot to me, if not to anyone else. Still getting royalties from the first some of my books.

    can't really think of anything else right now

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    My first time sking ever, was at Squaw Valley. We went up to the second level, very dumb for me. I got lost and all I could think about was wolves having me for dinner. But a Knight on shiny skies rescued me. (ie sky patrol) ;-)

    I went to the last day of Carnivale in Venice IT during a backpacking trip. It was very heady. Most people had masks on, or painted faces . THen there were couples with the extravagent costumes that just stood very still. It was another world. Very sensual. ( I dont mean sexual) The unusual part was the next morning the town was empty and it had snowed! This completly changed this city with out streets. Turning it into a magical winter wonderland.

    I took a massage class at Esalen, in Big Sur.

  • LouBelle

    1) The Crocodile Challenge with KurtBethel - we had lunch in a crocodile den - and yes Kurt ate crocodile for lunch, I stuck with a traditional curry.

    2) I've held two huge boa constrictors, one was an albeno, the other one a massive a 25 kgs and I could feel her starting to squeeze me.

    3) dress up as a fairy god mother and a bee and gone bowlling in public

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    This is just a wonderful feel good thread. Thanks to all of you for sharing.

  • coffee_black

    When my x and I lived on Martha's Vineyard, we owned a Cessna 152 to make it more convenient to get on and off island. My x had his pilot's license, but I flew it several times.

    Have driven several times to and from Florida and Massachusetts by myself in 23 hours or less

    Have had art published in a calendar 2 consecutive years.


  • Ding

    1. Memorized the capitals of all the countries in the UN.

    2. Talked (briefly) with Buzz Aldrin about his moon mission.

    3. Interviewed Leonard Nimoy for a local newspaper.

  • Pink sapphire
    Pink sapphire

    1. Cuddled a cheetah and her new born cubs with an armed ranger on guard

    2. Watched a whale and her calf swim up the coast from a micro light, marine life was amazing!

    3. Got out this cult and made a success of my life!!

  • 00DAD

    1. I spent an afternoon in jail in a foreign country. It was all over a silly misunderstanding. But I didn't speak the language and couldn't explain what happened. Fortunately some locals saw the whole thing and explained what happened to the police. As it turned out, my travelling companion and I made some good friends and it is one of the most memorable adventures of my life.
    2. I seduced a confirmed lesbian. Yes I did. It wasn't easy but it was definitely worth it. Let's just say she taught me a few things that have come in, ... ahem ..., handy ever since!
    3. I talked someone out of killing another person. I'm serious. He was high on LSD and holding a loaded rifle which he was pointing at an unsuspecting, but nevertheless very live target. I was standing 5 feet behind him at the time and told him if he pulled the trigger they'd never find his body. Apparently he believed me because he uncocked the rifle and handed it over butt end first. I wonder what ever happened to him ...

    There are many more stories I could share, but if I told you I'd be outing myself.


  • tec

    You guys have done some amazing things!

    I have driven across the country and back (with dad and kids, but i did 95% the driving)

    I have written a few books, and published one

    I have gone to a couple comic cons, dressed up, and met some of my favorite actors. (I also got a great big bear hug from Adam Baldwin... swoon...)



  • Nika Bee
    Nika Bee

    Hm, i don't know if anything I have done qualifies as unusual.

    1. I discovered the places of Mexico City, where tourists are not supposed to go - on my own.

    2. I swam in the fountain on the main place of the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich in plain daylight.

    3. I went ice climbing when once the waterfalls near our village were frozen.

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