this website

by little_lamb_on_a_hill 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    Why do I occasionaly stop by this web site? To share my experience as a JW and now as a former JW.
    I only wish that so many years ago someone would have done the same for me and saved me all those wasted years serving a publishing company.

  • Celia
    What I really want to know is why? Why are you so obsessed by them? Why couldn't you just either leave the religion or stay? Why must you now spend your lives "exposing the hypocrisy of the WBTS"?

    Aaahh...yes... leave the "religion" alone, don't expose the hypocrisy of the Watch Tower Society and the old boy network in Brooklyn....
    You would like that I am sure, but thanks God (or Dog) (or whoever)
    some folks are decent and feel it is their duty to warn innocent bystanders of the dangers of this cult..
    Thank you all of you apostates on this board, great job, and continue the fine work !

    Oh, and LittleLambOnAHill, are you going to the Memorial ? Do you partake or reject Christ like 99 % of the Jehovah's Witnesses ?

  • Xenu


    Actually it wouldn't Julien. To be labeled a hypocrite using my previous statements I would have called Reborn2002 a name and claiming I was trying to help him. I am not trying to help Reborn. And I dont believe I called him a name.

  • Reborn2002

    There you go, back to posting insults and avoiding the pertinent issues at hand.

    Why not address the doctrine and quotes I have brought up?

    Since I am not playing with a full deck of cards I should commend myself for being capable of quantitative research and proper grammatical structure. Apparently you in your omnipotent wisdom and worthy throne to speak condescendingly of me lack the same skill.

    Your not worthy of my time. Anyone whose read the thread can see that. Your too interested in calling people names and posting garbage rather than conducting intellectual conversation.


  • Abaddon

    Break out the mint sauce...

    I just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and I've taken exception to quite a lot of what I've seen here.
    Incase you think I'm some irate Jehovah's Witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, I'm not. I was raised a JW, but now I'm not one.
    For the first year or so after I left, I used to say things like "Oh, Jehovah's Witnesses are just like any another religion". Then I started learning about them. The stuff they don't teach in the Kingsom Halls. As you don't know this stuff, I think you should start learning, as you are liable not to have a lot of information that might change your viewpoint.

    First of all, given the url, I thought this website was in some way affiliated with the Jehovah's Witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts I've read that most people here are either former Jehovah's Witnesses or soon-to-be former Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this ambiguity deliberate? I think you should make it clearer you're not affiliated, unless it's some deliberate ploy to snare Jehovah's Witnesses, which brings me onto my next point.
    Look at the top. '...anything JW related'. '... everyone is welcome'. And an advert for (at the moment, it changes) Crisis of Conscience, which is written by an x-JW, x-member of the governing body. Anyone who couldn't figure out that this site includes x-JWs (which is more than JW's manage, you obviously weren't disfellowshipped) is a little slow. And, you may not know, but JW's are councelled against using the Internet AT ALL, let alone running a website. So people who come here are going against the advice of the Organisation ALREADY, and know within seconds, if they have a brain, that there are xJW's here. You figure out if that deception.

    Why are you all so bothered, well, maybe not all of you, about getting JWs to leave? Why should it matter to you in the slightest?
    Because it is a cult. You can disagree if you want, but you'll have to accept that many people here and many former members feel that it is a high control group, that uses well-recognised behavioural mechanisms, often in a very subtle and covert fashion, to control peoples behaviour. I expect you will disagree, but before you do, do yourself a favour and do some research on cults.

    It's worse than them going around preaching, seriously, you were Jehovah's Witnesses once, now you're not, you've learnt from your mistake, now get on with your life.
    Yeah, you are so right. People have lost their families and everyone they have ever known when leaving, due to Witness policies. They should just rebuild their lives over without making a fuss or wanting to share experiences with people whove had similar ones. And those who are still in there? Their look out. Why should I be responsiblke for someone in a cult who doesn't know they are in a cult? Piss on them! (I hope you realise that is irony)

    I'm not sure whether most of you are now non-religious or have some joined some other group/formed your own little religions.
    A mix.

    Finally, given that, from what I can gather, most of you are now former JWs, why do you make such a big deal about people within the Jehovah's Witness organization being fallible, some trifling bit of alleged corruption within the organization itself or them have a poor policy for dealing with thus and so forth? First of all, everybody's fallible, JW or not, so the fact that when you were a Jehovah's Witness a few people were nasty to you doesn't really mean a lot, it certainly doesn't mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are all hypocrites, just the people who were nasty to you. Secondly, given that the actions of the "faithful and discreet slaveā€ are not really being directed by God, it means nothing if they deal with a few things badly, other than that they are human and make mistakes.
    They (the Governing Body) claim direction from god and the right to overide an individual's conscience and control their activity based on their claim to be 'The Truth'. Yet, they use exactly the same logic as you (we are human, we make mistakes) when they are forced to admit to an error, something which they almost never do.

    If you are happy with people claiming to be right, silencing any dissent by expulsion, passing rules that can effect or end peoples lives, applying different standards to different parts of the world, then, well, fine.

    But I hope you can understand if some of think that this is wrong, and due to the control mechanisms effecting a Witnesses behaviour, have a greater and more damaging impact on someones lives than if they were in a more mainstrteam religion.

    What I really want to know is why? Why are you so obsessed by them? Why couldn't you just either leave the religion or stay? Why must you now spend your lives "exposing the hypocrisy of the WBTS"?
    Hopefully you will understand a little now, although to fully understand you will have to do some studying, as you obviously have no idea how at odds the description 'hogh control group' and the phrase 'Why couldn't you just either leave the religion or stay?' are.

    And while some people might dedicate a lot of their time, that's THEIR choice; many of us just use this as a fun gathering place.

  • detective

    I can see why the name-calling issue might be troubling to you. But I would also ask that you understand my perspective- when I first came into this contact with this organization. How do you think I felt when I realized a group I had never had any occasion to form opinion on had already formed an opinion about me- and everyone else I know, for that matter. How do you think an outsider feels when they realize that this group calls us "worldly" in a derogatory manner? Calls all other religions derogatory names? How about all the "bad associations" who don't even know this little group is attacking them behind their backs, then knocking on their doors all sweet as can be? I didn't have a name or label for witnesses or the watchtower when I first became aware they even existed. But they had a name, a label, for me. It didn't occur to me to speak ill of the watchtower but it sure as hell occurred to them to speak ill of me.

    I understand that you don't like the negativity, but you can you seriously say that "worldly" people (aka "bad associations") who are part of "Babylon the Great" and are slated to die at Harmageddon- can you honestly say that's not incredibly negative? Really?

    They dish it out, but they can't take it?

    Ever since I've come onto contact with this group I have seen such misery and sadness. It really breaks my heart. Sometimes it makes me mad too. So you'll probably hear a little bit of those things in my posts. I'm sure others feel the same way. You get emotions, they aren't always neat or easy to swallow.

  • little_lamb_on_a_hill

    TR, yes, I could say all of the words that you wrote...
    It's not that I don't care about them, I do, I would rather see children raised by loving parents than neglected (no I'm not saying all JWs are good parents either, but being a JW doesn't preclude you from being a good parent). btw, what exactly do you mean by "no education"?

    I'm not shunned by the JWs, in fact a couple of weeks ago I bumped into some I knew when they were out on the field service, they stopped and talked to me for a while, not about JW stuff, and they, like Celia, asked me if I would be going to the memorial, and I said no, but they didn't walk off. I think the reason that I'm not shunned by either my family or by JWs in general, is because I'm not trying to convince them of my beliefs. It's a bit like people hiding behind the couch when JWs come a-knocking.

    Nobody helped me to "escape from the cult", I believe that the truth exposes lies, and that hopefully one day they'll see they are wrong. Until then, I'll continue to respect their beliefs, just as they respect mine.

  • Xenu


    You stated that I was back to posting insults and avoiding the issue at hand. Can you please document this? I don't claim to have omnitpotent wisdom. As you stated that I am not worthy of your time, I will refrain from responding to you in the future. However, You did not bring up any sort of doctrine issue. The answer to your "issue" is in the quote itself.

  • rekless

    I'm here trying to find Elvis.

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • TheStar
    Why must you now spend your lives "exposing the hypocrisy of the WBTS"?

    Someone has to do it...

    Actually the WBTS does a pretty good job at exposing themselves... most of us here just want it made public and known... We can only hope that this will, in the future, help others so that they will not have to suffer as we have or endure the pain that we have. We hope for a time in the future when others will not lose friends and family due to the shunning doctrine or lose friends and family to premature death because of the blood doctrine...

    Regarding why this website might appear to be affiliated with the Watchtower, I think someone else here has explained to you how the owner of this site was a JW when he started it but is no longer a JW. So, you see it wasn't anything purposely done to mislead anyone and even if it had been, the WBTS doesn't play fair, so why should we?

    I don't think that JWs brainwash anyone, I wasn't brainwashed, and I never saw it happen to anyone else. Most of the people I grew up with, at the KH, have now left, so I doubt they were either.
    Read up on cult groups and mind control and see if you find any similarities, then get back to us.

    "We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel... There should be full liberty of conscience." -- WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101

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