this website

by little_lamb_on_a_hill 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven
    Why are you so obsessed by them?

    I'm obsessed with sharing what I know about this cult that brainwashes children into committing suicide by refusing blood transfusions and other necessary treatments. Also, I detest baby rapers and those that provide sanctuary for them. Don't you?

  • Xenu
    Just because YOU feel no obligation to try to help other human beings live their lives and to get away from a false religion which deceives, manipulates, divides families, and inadvertently can cause acts of insanity does NOT mean OTHER people hold the same value system.

    How does calling people who are active memebers of various names, calling the leaders of the WTS names, joining websites for Jehovahs Witnesses and posting the posts here and criticizing them for the hapiness they have, help other human beings?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This site began as a more "mainstream" Dub site - one that you might have approved of, little_lamb_on_a_hill. As experiences were shared and dogma was dissected, the site owner had his own awakening, and the site evolved.

    Every so often thinly cloaked WTS apologists like you show up and ask the same questions.

    Wouldn't it be NICE of the WTS was able to operate in the shadows, unexposed? You'd be happy then, wouldn't you?

    Don't forget to visit Silentlambs and Freeminds and the other fine organizations whose links are at the bottom of this page, and tell them to "go away" too.

    How many minutes can you claim on your time card for "internet ministry"?

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • julien

    Xenu has decided that all we do here is:
    1) calling people names
    2) calling WTS leaders names
    3) posting the posts
    4) criticizing JWs for being happy

    Well if that was what actually happened at this website you would have a point. Since this strawman description is as far from reality as it could be, why don't you stop posting and read the board for awhile to see what is really being said here.

    sevenofnine: nice succinct summation

  • WildHorses

    I'm just here for the food and conversation

    Well said, Nathan

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • blindfool

    Most of the people I've chatted with and posted with are not obsessed with the JW's. Some of the people have given many years of their lives to the WTBTS. Quite a few served as pioneers and Bethelites.

    As for me, I've lived with the JW influence in my life for near 20 years. I live with that influence affecting my life today and know it will be there tomorrow. I have many people I care deeply about who believe in the WT doctrine completely. I don't and never have, but it does not change the fact that I care about these people.

    Would I like for them to be free of the WT? Of course!

    Will I talk to them about the wrongs done by their religion and condemn it to them the way they condemn all other forms of religion?
    No Way!

    But I will use this forum to discuss and talk to other people who know what I'm going through. For some of us, having people to discuss issues with helps us deal with our feelings.

    I find this board refreshing most of the time. There are posters here that I look forward to hearing from. There are some posters I avoid reading. Perhaps I'll even shun some posters. The difference is I'm not telling you to shun them also. You live your life and I'll live mine. If I find this board helpful, then I'll be here, if not I'll go look up

    My question to you, if you don't like what you see, why not move on to another site? may be more what your looking for.

  • Kismet

    uhhhhh I agree with what Seven said... Damn!!!! no mincing words there!!!

    I could not have said it any better!!!

  • Xenu


    You and I both know this is what happens here. And that a good number of the posts on this site are devoted to this sort of thing. I am just curious as to how this helps those who may have an affiliation with the WTS.

  • Dutchie

    Xenu, I think its called "venting". Sometimes it just feels good to call people you don't like names (as any kid!). That applies to the WBTS too. Actually, its therapeutic to do so. Makes you feel better. After all the harm the organization has done and all they have to answer for, people on this forum calling them names is the least they have to worry about.

  • detective

    Why don't you go back and read my post again. I gave some reasons that I think sites like this are helpful and important. You must have skipped over my post, or for some reason you don't think my thoughts on this matter are relevent?

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