this website

by little_lamb_on_a_hill 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    Ok its obvious some of the "Newbies" here are simply trying to cause trouble.

    Are you THAT blind? Do you not see the conditioned responses and false pretense of happiness that permeates the Kingdom Hall?

    Yes, you HAVE seen threads where active members and the GB are called various names, or the copying and pasting of text. That in itself tells me you are NOT that new here. But, if YOU have seen that, which I have done, then you have ALSO seen countless threads, mine included, which have EXPOSED outright LIES and WAVERANCE on doctrine within Watchtower Bible and Tract Society literature.

    Your only commenting on what suits you, and attempting feebly to be a smart ass at that.

    Quoting Watchtower literature and ideals which expose the Organization for what it TRULY is DOES help people. It helps those who are confused to walk away. It helps those who are socially challenged or feel alone to realize that there are others out there JUST like them.

    I HATE the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society with every fiber of my being. Their doctrine has divided my family. I dont have any type of relationship whatsoever with my brother, his wife, or my 1 year old nephew.

    What do the Jehovah's Witnesses say about SHUNNING?

    Here are DIRECT QUOTES from Watchtower literature so perhaps you can grasp the meaning.

    *** Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, p.103 ***

    Proper View of
    Disfellowshipped and Disassociated Persons
    Disfellowshipped and disassociated ones are shunned by those who wish to have a good relationship with Jehovah.


    The Office of Public Information for Jehovah's Witnesses says otherwise.

    Now, after youve looked at the website to indeed see it is the legit site of public relations, scroll down to the 4th topic.

    Assuming youve gotten that far, Ill copy and paste it for you.

    Do you shun former members?

    Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.

    In compliance with the Scriptures, however, members can be expelled for serious unchristian conduct, such as stealing, drunkenness, or adultery, if they do not repent and cease such actions. Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties. Disfellowshipped members may continue to attend religious services, and if they wish, they may receive pastoral visits. They are always welcome to return to the faith.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13.
    Assuming your brain isnt too tired from reading this far, you will realize that it is ANOTHER blatant lie.

    Let your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO. This is obvious double-speak.

    Tell me, what mercy or compassion should I show for an organization which lies to its members and divides families?

    As I said before, you have NO idea what the hell your talking about. So when you do some research of your own and deserve to be talked to instead of sitting here as a "Newbie" and insulting everyone else, then you will see that there are ample reasons that people act as they do on this board.

    Should you feel the urge to post again insulting or complaining, I will not respond unless YOU address the Watchtower and its LIES.

    I bid you goodday.


  • WildHorses

    Someone help me out here. I do not have my old wt books anymore but I seem to recall one line in either the truth book or the red book(Paradise) having a line similar to...........If you know someone is doing wrong and you do not warn them......and then it goes on to say something about it being a sin on your part of you do not warn them. Well, how can our warning people that the WTS is a cult be any different than what they do?

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • borgfree


    Everything concerning your questions has been posted many times, so I will not go into a lot of details, but, speaking for me personally, The following is my main reason;

    I have a very large family who are active Jehovah's Witnesses. I found out about 10 years ago that the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses were totally false and actually against God. I left the organization myself but of course that could not be the end of the story.

    As you should know, the Watchtower Society wants to completely destroy everyone who leaves their CULT. I do not intend to let them be successful in their efforts to destroy me or any of my family. I will not give up, as long as God permits, until every last one of my family has opened their eyes and recognize that deceptive, hateful organization for what it truely is, a DESTRUCTIVE CULT.

    When that happens, of course there will be friends of my family that they care about, so they too, will need to try to open the eyes of others.


    "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow
  • Imbue

    Did you know that if a JW expresses that he/she does not fully believe every doctrine of the WT then they are branded an apostate and disfellowshipped. Just because I don't agree or believe everything the WT says I'm apostate and my husband doesn't know it yet.

    I don't want to be DF'd because my husband is a JW and this would make life very difficult. I want him to come with me. I don't want to leave him behind to be eaten by those vultures. Besides my husband does laundry.

    I come here because I need to be able to express myself without fear of reprisal. If I were to say anything negitive about the WT even though it's true; I'd be cut off and they would tell my husband not to talk with me about spirtual things.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Xenu


    I did indeed read your post and am sorry if you feel ignored. I did not say that there was not information to be found here. My question was regarding the use of name calling etc. and its benefit of helping other people.

    As noted by Reborn2002's comments of hating the WTS with "every
    fiber of my being." It is obvious that some here suffer from emotional problems. So I guess I should also understand that not everyone on this board is playing "with a full deck of cards."

  • little_lamb_on_a_hill

    Ok, to answer a lot of what's been said about my post, no I'm not a JW, although I did like the joke about counting time for Internet ministry. I doubt you believe me, but I'm not entirely sure what I can do to convince you. Would you like me to use some bad language in my next post? Or perhaps "take the name of the lord of in vain"?
    I notice nobody's really commented on the fact that a newcomer to this site would probably think it was in some way connected to the JW organization (until the started reading it, that is). Do you think that's a good thing?
    I'm not trying to pretend that there's nothing wrong with the JW organization, really, believe me I know there's plenty wrong. And as for those of you who said that you have family there, well, I have plenty of very close relations, in fact all of my close family are and some of them are very young. Personally, I don't feel the need to try to get them to think like me. Do you think that means I don't care about them? I respect their right to hold a belief, and in my brother's case his right to raise all 3 of his children as JWs. I don't think that JWs brainwash anyone, I wasn't brainwashed, and I never saw it happen to anyone else. Most of the people I grew up with, at the KH, have now left, so I doubt they were either.

    To answer the person who asked me why I'm not a JW (somebody was naive enough to actually believe me) I found it too difficult to overlook the enormous amount of scientific evidence which contradicts the Bible, despite what it says in the evolution book.

  • Hmmm
    I just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and I've taken exception to quite a lot of what I've seen here.

    Now there's a first, someone took exception to what they read on the Internet. Better call UUNET and have them shut it all down. (Just kidding, welcome.)

    Incase you think I'm some irate Jehovah's Witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, I'm not. I was raised a JW, but now I'm not one.
    Were you ever baptized? At what age did you leave?

    First of all, given the url, I thought this website was in some way affiliated with the Jehovah's Witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts I've read that most people here are either former Jehovah's Witnesses or soon-to-be former Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this ambiguity deliberate? I think you should make it clearer you're not affiliated, unless it's some deliberate ploy to snare Jehovah's Witnesses, which brings me onto my next point.
    I can see how you might have made that assumption, but as you said, it takes very little time to clear it up. If you go to, how do you know if it's a site affiliated with the National Quilting Society of Botswana, or just a site ABOUT quilting.

    Who cares? If it offers good information, read up. If not, move on.

    Why are you all so bothered, well, maybe not all of you, about getting JWs to leave? Why should it matter to you in the slightest?

    I don't think there are that many who have a mission to destroy the Watchtower. The vast majority come here to talk to people who share a common background. Many need help dealing with the damage resulting from being in a cult/high control group. As has been pointed out, many have family members in the religion who won't speak to us, or wouldn't if they knew how we feel, and are looking for understanding and maybe some help reasoning with our loved ones.

    It's worse than them going around preaching, seriously, you were Jehovah's Witnesses once, now you're not, you've learnt from your mistake, now get on with your life.
    Easy for you to say. Many people need help "getting on with their lives" when none of the friends they grew up with will speak to them. When their children have never seen their grandparents because they're being shunned by their entire family. When they wake up every day to the pain of remembering the death of someone they loved who wouldn't accept a blood transfusion because a group of men who claim to Speak For God told them not to. When they live with the pain of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by members of the group who remain in good standing--and are even PROTECTED by the group--because maintaining the illusion of a chaste, God-fearing group was more important than protecting little children.

    Finally, given that, from what I can gather, most of you are now former JWs, why do you make such a big deal about people within the Jehovah's Witness organization being fallible, some trifling bit of alleged corruption within the organization itself or them have a poor policy for dealing with thus and so forth? First of all, everybody's fallible, JW or not, so the fact that when you were a Jehovah's Witness a few people were nasty to you doesn't really mean a lot, it certainly doesn't mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are all hypocrites, just the people who were nasty to you.
    The answer to these questions could get pretty long and complicated. It deals with the organizational hypocrisy of claiming to speak for God and allowing NO disagreement, then falling back on human imperfection when your guesses cost people their lives.

    Secondly, given that the actions of the "faithful and discreet slave” are not really being directed by God, it means nothing if they deal with a few things badly, other than that they are human and make mistakes.
    Where did you get that? Not really directed by God? But they claim that they ARE directed by God. When you claim to be the ONLY way the creator of all life in the universe has chosen to communicate with humans, and you "deal with a few things badly" you cost people their lives. Some teen-aged kid who refuses blood because it's all he's ever been taught (and he's never had the chance to look in to the matter on his own) dies, and you think it means nothing? Millions of people eek out a subsistence living or put off needed medical care because they believe any day now God is going to sweep down and take care of all their problems, and you think that's nothing?

    What I really want to know is why? Why are you so obsessed by them? Why couldn't you just either leave the religion or stay? Why must you now spend your lives "exposing the hypocrisy of the WBTS"?
    What I really want to know is why? Why are they so obsessed with us? Why can't we just either leave the religion or stay? Why do they force everyone we know to treat us like we're invisible, already dead? Why can't we say we disagree with some minor teaching or interpretation and be allowed to stay--maybe discuss it?

    Welcome and stick around. You might learn the answers to some of your questions.


  • julien
    I respect their right to hold a belief, and in my brother's case his right to raise all 3 of his children as JWs.

    Do you respect your brother's right to murder his children by withholding blood if they should need it to live? Do you believe that a child or teenager should die because of beliefs based on an interperetation of the Bible?

  • TR

    Little Lamb,

    Some XJWs are just a tad more interested in other people than you seem to be. Many on this forum actively seek solutions to help people that have been negatively affected by the WTS, and to prevent others from falling into the same trap.

    Can you say 'pedophile'? Can you say 'transfusions'? Can you say 'no education'? Can you say 'phony doctrine designed to mislead and enslave people'? Can you say 'shunning'? Can you say 'depression'? I hope you can see where I'm going with this.


  • julien
    As noted by Reborn2002's comments of hating the WTS with "every
    fiber of my being." It is obvious that some here suffer from emotional problems. So I guess I should also understand that not everyone on this board is playing "with a full deck of cards."

    Did you just imply that Reborn2002 is not playing with a full deck of cards?? Because it sounds like you did. Although not technically calling him a name, it amounts to the same thing I think. That would make you hmmmm a hypocrit?

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