Why did you pick the name you have now

by label licker 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    I picked my name from a favorite book

    [hey there unstopableravens, you may have to change your name to unstopabletears. Or I may be changing mine to eva luna-tic. either way one of us will be crying ]

  • Heartofaboy

    Because as a young JW & even when older I felt I had no right to an opinion of my own because 'foolishness is tied up in the heart of a boy'.

  • Xanthippe

    Xanthippe was the wife of Socrates. I have a particular affection for Plato because he was the first 'worldly' writer I discovered who asked questions like,

    Is there a God or gods?

    What does it mean to be a good person?

    Is there life after death?

    Will we ever have good government?

    When I read about his dialogues I wondered if they were available in English. I was so ignorant. Poor young girl that I was. I found them in the library and I thought he sounded like the apostle Paul at first. So the question was how can someone who didn't believe in Jehovah have such great ideas? He started me down the road to finding out TTATT.

  • wannaexit

    when I figured TTATT in 2002 I wanted to exit out of this religion so bad--hence the name WANNAEXIT

  • Ucantnome

    because i think it's true

  • The Song Remains The Same
    The Song Remains The Same

    Because no matter what line of reasoning I put forward to show that The Thruth is not The Truth, the answers I get back are always the same, namely;

    "Because it says so in the Bible" (even though it's a bunch of stories written x-hand and years after the events. Imagine a newspaper only know reporting the Titanic sinking?)

    "Only Jehovah knows" (Armageddon topic, although edlers seem to be able to judge/condemn people already)

    "I know it must be true" (I think this is called 'faith', I tend to think of Blind Faith when it comes to the WT)

    "Imperfect humans" (to cover up for mistakes that have had a huge impact on 000's of lives, or flip-flop doctrines aka 'New light')

    "You can't prove it didn't happen" (Great Flood. The idea that the whole world was flooded to 5km depth is beyond me, way too many consequences for that to have happened)

    Also, I liked the "TTATT" abbreviation when I worked it out, and TSRTS is a bit similar.

    Finally, and with ref to insearchoftruth's comment on the newbie thread, I'm a Led Zeppelin fan

  • perfect1

    I think Eva Luna is an Isabelle Allende character.

  • tiki

    if you knew me, you might know why.........

    stone goddess

  • tiki

    ahhh Cedars - and here I was thinking all along it related to the strong cedars of lebanon - those magnificent trees.

  • Apognophos

    Apo- meaning "away from".
    gnophos meaning "darkness" or "gloom".

    During the time when I was a believing Witness, but falling short of their standards, I considered myself as good as dead once Armageddon came around. It was during that time that I began posting on the Internet as Gnophos. It was years before I realized that the beliefs that condemned me might be entirely fictitious. Now I am trying to move away from darkness (mentally and emotionally) towards the light.

    “Apog” is a handy nickname :)

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