14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...

by cedars 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I got an unscriptural divorce.

    If I had left on our wedding night, 41 years ago, I would have gotten an unscriptural divorce.

    I had never heard of anyone getting one. I was technically still a virgin, but in JW land, as soon as you say I do, your goose is cooked.

    I was so determined to do things Jehovah's way, and we all know Jah hates a divorcing.

    It wasn't in my makeup to go against God or my parents or my husband. I felt the tide was so hard against me, I had to stay. Wait on Jehovah.

    Now at 63, I don't fantasize that armegeddon is soon and all earth's woes are soon to pass.

    What has passed is, My Life!

    I am in charge of my life now and often times I am so happy and I am surrounded by such beauty, that I feel I have made my own paradise and I am living it now.

    As a born in, I wasn't in a "spiritual paradise". I was in hell. Not anymore. I am free.

    Just Lois

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    page 9

    "On the night of our engagement, Troy slapped me..."

    She should have ended the relationship the next day.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I agree with Outlaw. WT Corp writers are as stupid as a box of rocks*!

    *No offense intended toward boxes of rocks by comparing them to WT writers.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Thanks clarity. The end result to this wicked situation was all us kids had to leave home by sixteen, a mother taking her life with an overdose and handicap sister put in a home the next day. The abuser(the old man) died alone. But hey just pray more and get out in service. You can help others right? Yeah like the watchtower, right?

  • Listener

    They keep flip flopping about their view on divorce. Some articles allow for divorce on the same grounds as separation but only allow remarriage on the grounds of fornication. The lateast Awake article only allows divorce on the grounds of fornication.

    1st November, 1988 Watchtower


    ... Sexual infidelity by a mate is the only ground for a divorce that will allow the innocent mate to remarry.

    In addition, the Bible’s words at 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, while encouraging marriage mates to stay together, allow for separation. Some, after trying very hard to preserve their marriage, feel they have no choice but to separate. What can be acceptable Scriptural grounds for such a step?

    One is willful nonsupport. When getting married, a husband assumes the responsibility of providing for his wife and children. The man who willfully fails to provide the material necessities of life “has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.” (1 Timothy 5:8) So separation is possible.

    Another is extreme physical abuse. So then, if a mate physically abuses his wife, the victim may separate. (Galatians 5:19-21; Titus 1:7) “Anyone loving violence [God’s] soul certainly hates.”—Psalm 11:5.

    Another ground for separation is the absolute endangerment of a believer’s spirituality—one’s relationship with God. When a mate’s opposition, perhaps including physical restraint, has made it impossible to pursue true worship and has imperiled the believer’s spirituality, then some believers have found it necessary to separate.*Matthew 22:37; Acts 5:27-32.

    However, if divorce is pursued under such circumstances, one would not be free to enter a new marriage. According to the Bible, the only legitimate ground for divorce that permits remarriage is adultery or “fornication.”—Matthew 5:32.

  • blondie

    I think it is a fine point but they can separate (divorce) on grounds other than adultery, they just can't remarry"scripturally." I have never seen anyone df'd for merely getting a secular divorce; but I have seen people df'd for remarrying when their (ex) spouse was not designated as an adulterer by the elders. There are financial reasons why a divorce is better than a separation under the conditions below.

    ***God's Love book lv pp. 220-221 The Bible’s View on Divorce and Separation ***

    In certain extreme situations, some Christians have decided to separate from or divorce a marriage mate even though that one has not committed fornication. In such a case, the Bible stipulates that the departing one “remain unmarried or else make up again.” (1 Corinthians 7:11) Such a Christian is not free to pursue a third party with a view to remarriage. (Matthew 5:32) Consider here a few exceptional situations that some have viewed as a basis for separation.

    Willful nonsupport. A family may become destitute, lacking the basic essentials of life, because the husband fails to provide for them, although being able to do so. The Bible states: “If anyone does not provide for . . . members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.” (1 Timothy 5:8) If such a man refuses to change his ways, the wife would have to decide whether she needs to protect her welfare and that of her children by obtaining a legal separation. Of course, Christian elders should give careful consideration to an accusation that a Christian refuses to support his family. Refusal to care for one’s family may result in disfellowshipping.

    Extreme physical abuse. An abusive spouse may act so violently that the abused mate’s health and even life are in danger. If the abusive spouse is a Christian, congregation elders should investigate the charges. Fits of anger and a practice of violent behavior are grounds for disfellowshipping.—Galatians 5:19-21.

    Absolute endangerment of spiritual life. A spouse may constantly try to make it impossible for the mate to pursue true worship or may even try to force that mate to break God’s commands in some way. In such a case, the threatened mate would have to decide whether the only way to “obey God as ruler rather than men” is to obtain a legal separation.—Acts 5:29.


    *** w00 11/1 p. 5 Is Bible Morality the Best? ***

    Of course, there are circumstances—such as adultery or physical abuse—when a Christian may appropriately consider separation or divorce. (Matthew 5:32; 19:9)

  • Balaamsass

    WTBTS double speak.

    The last two crying JW sisters who called our house late at night about beng beaten..I told "I want you to hang up and dial 911 right now" They and their husbands were HORRIFIED at the thought of bringing in "outsiders". I stepped aside within the year as an Elder. One couple is now divorced. Both sisters never got beat again. Those brave JW Servants sobered up real fast thinking about getting there own beating in jail.

    I look forward to your book Cedars. I want an autograph!!

  • Eustace

    There are financial reasons why a divorce is better than a separation under the conditions below.

    Using the court system to force someone to give you money when you aren't willing to be their spouse is a joke. The reason why a lot of men don't want to get married in the first place these days is because of women who pull that trick.

    Willful nonsupport. A family may become destitute, lacking the basic essentials of life, because the husband fails to provide for them, although being able to do so.

    Why can't the wife get a job? What's with this retrograde idea that the man has to go out and earn the bacon while the woman is the one who stays at home?

  • Eustace

    *** w00 11/1 p. 5 Is Bible Morality the Best? ***

    Of course, there are circumstances—such as adultery or physical abuse—when a Christian may appropriately consider separation or divorce. (Matthew 5:32; 19:9)

    It's strange to me that they allow divorce for reasons other than adultery, but not remarriage. You end up turning both sexes off of marriage.

    1. The man resents having to pay support to a woman not related to him by blood without getting a wife out of it, and resents having to pay child support without getting to be a father to the child in any meaningful way.

    2. The woman resents having to be celibate for the rest of her life.

  • Pickler

    Lois , I'm so glad you are happy & free and the JWs didn't get all your life.

    Same goes for you Besunny. They will never apologize.

    I don't think that JWS even know what abuse is, the lines are so blurry. I remember seeing parents hit their children, really hard. Remember how love was synonymous with discipline? These kids grew up & are now married with kids, it's a continuing cycle.

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