How Modern Christianity has failed Christians

by Christ Alone 277 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EntirelyPossible

    Like when I want to stay on the couch but instead get up and go on a hike because it's what's best?

  • tec

    It's a shame he doesn't give us some useful knowledge, it could saved so much misery.

    People hear only what they can bear, for the most part. And people need to see something first to believe it, for the most part, as well. So we have to discover it, for the most part, before we will believe its existence.

    We limit ourselves.

    ...and if Christ let mankind discover it on his own without any guidance, the atom, in truth, is still there, discovered.
    The atom exists with or without Christ.

    The atom might be discovered with or without Christ (in a manner of speaking)... but that does not mean that it exists without Christ. Without Christ, and God, there is no life.



  • tec

    Like when I want to stay on the couch but instead get up and go on a hike because it's what's best?

    So the difference is that you knew what was best... you just wanted to do something else.

    I did not know.



  • bohm

    Without the flying spaghetti monster, there is no pasta!

  • cantleave

    Without the flying spaghetti monster, there is no pasta!

    Very true. And meatballs would be an untruth

  • jgnat

    I'll go back to your statement that got me twisted in a knot in the first place, tec:

    A Christian should be following, looking at, listening to... Christ. Anything else... tends to fail at some point or another. Because anything else... is not the Truth. - tec

    Though we've worked out that an atom can be found and exists apart from Christ. A Christian or an Athiest scientist can both find the atom. We can build rocket ships, discover new particles, come up with new fuels, decode the genome, and fly a rocket to the moon, all without Christ. It hasn't fallen down as you claim it should. This also is the truth.

  • tec

    As I also said Jgnat, i was speaking as to Truth, Image, Word... of God.

    Should a christian listen to christianity... or... Christ?



  • cantleave

    Though we've worked out that an atom can be found and exists apart from Christ. A Christian or an Athiest scientist can both find the atom. We can build rocket ships, discover new particles, come up with new fuels, decode the genome, and fly a rocket to the moon, all without Christ. It hasn't fallen down as you claim it should. This also is the truth.

    I am sure people prayed for the scientists who worked on these things. Shows you the power of prayer doesn't it....

  • jgnat

    tec, it's a wacky road when one tries to mix science with faith. I reserve the divine for the inexpressible part of my soul. I don't use it to pick my socks in the morning, or to repair my alarm clock.

  • jgnat

    ...or logic with faith.

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