Before man....before the Adam/Eve would you explain the nature of life on Earth in terms of sin?
Millions of years passed before man and sin. (Let that sink in a few seconds.........)
The preponderance of actual evidence is: (before man) there were only fangs, claws, armour-plating, fighting, killing, dying, chewing and crapping dead dinosaur meat.
What is my point? I'll spell it out for you. For the deist/theist, this would have to be from God himself!
You see, NATURE is what is. Not, what isn't.
You can blame MAN for sin. But, before sin you are still faced with violent death as the essentials of NATURE.
Now, let's just look at that, shall we?
If... blind survival of the fittest produced life... it is easy to see why there was struggle and death and clashing chaos: the chewing and bleeding.
It makes sense in terms of the unintentional meaninglessness.
But, by deist/theist templates of a Creator with a purpose... you are left with only a morbid fascination with watching living things struggle to survive through killing and eating or being killed and being eaten.
That means deist/theist conceptions of God must be... stretched... to include the possibility of a "howling maniac" in the sky!!
God as voyeur to a perpetual grudge match of violent digestion! What a lovely conception.......not!
A core problem is buying in to Eden... for the rather sordid story that the victim (mankind) is to be blamed for the crime (death). (Not unlike blaming the rape victim for the rape....)
What alternative to that exists?:
We are simply the result of blind chance and millions of years of struggling to survive to pass life on to the next struggling soul. Life is only what you make it and nothing more.
Doesn't this describe reality AS IS?
Non-believers show every kindness and loving gesture with as much frequency as those committed to faith and belief in deity.
Others are only marginally "good" for fear of displeasing their tribal deity.
Christianity's "sin" explanation is just a default position of the mystics and explains nothing by way of the nature of things.
Go ahead and accept the blame as a human for being human but, don't expect me to buy into that happy horse plop.
Peddle EDEN all you wish---but, it answers no questions about the nature of life. It just transfers blame to the victims.