Who is an expert on "God"?
The bigger the ego the bigger the lay-expert!
Religion reeks with the stench of amateur auto-didacts!
by Terry 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Who is an expert on "God"?
The bigger the ego the bigger the lay-expert!
Religion reeks with the stench of amateur auto-didacts!
do you think it's easy to drive an auto didact when your an amateur? I would suggest you use a manual first.
Terry, do you need to have a big ego to be a big expert? In other words, does expert -> ego?
Neils Bohr was a great expert on quantum physics, but everyone says that he had no ego whatsoever.
Maybe God is different than the Quantum.
" Neils Bohr was a great expert on quantum physics, but everyone says that he had no ego whatsoever.
Maybe God is different than the Quantum."
Well I wonder then if lay-expert (the pseudo expert) -> ego.
There is a fly that burrows into an animal's shank and lays its eggs.
The eggs hatch and the maggot larvae proceed to eat their way out.
Can this be termed "loving" or even "neutral"? Am I the culprit for thinking it is diabolical?
Nope, sounds horrfic to me too, but I thought that was a wasp?
Either way that is amongst the reasons that I do NOT believe that God created every living creature as is.
That we do view it as "diabolical" ( funny choice of word by the way) says something because I am sure that we may be the only living creatures that do view it as "diabolical".
Maybe regular mortals can discuss "God". As long as they don't plan on having a comprehensive answer.
In need of redemption at creation, or after Adam's fall? Were tapeworms created before or after the fall?
I have no idea when tapeworms came to be and I am NOT a creationalist so...
But, theologicallly speaking it would depend on which way your interpretation of the bible and genesis go.
That man was created at the end means that the rest was created before him so, yes tapeworms were tapeworms before the fall of man.
Arguably they became "worse" because of the fall as man contamintaed creation and didn't do his job as caretakers of creation.
@jgnat: define " comprehensive answer"...
Maybe regular mortals can discuss "God". As long as they don't plan on having a comprehensive answer.
We can discuss what we THINK God is, what we HOPE God is and even whether our idea of God does indeed exist.
To KNOW God in His entirety is impossible I think.