who are your favorite preachers? here a few of mine!

by unstopableravens 132 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    cant leave: if you honsetly listen to any of the guys i mentioned (steve lawson,paul washer,or john piper) i believe you would be convicted from what you hear!

  • mouthy

    Dr Jerimiah.... He is great.
    Charles Price is O.K. also.
    Charles Stanley once had a girl I convinced to be a JW( Betty Scott) Give a testimony in his church
    it was on video....Telling how false the Watchtower is.

  • unstopableravens

    hi mouthy: david jer is good and stanly i never heard of price

  • tenyearsafter

    For a believer or seeker, some of the "purest" Christian teaching, Chuck Swindoll seems the most sincere and focused on the Gospel message...very low key and kind.

    If you aren't a believer, they probably all sound "off key" and false!

  • mouthy

    Yes Chuck is fine also in my book.

  • cantleave

    OK - I will watch this ...


    It sounds like talks I heard at conventions. The same arguments and the same level intellect - none.

    He starts off saying about the foolishness of men being worth nothing. Well I look around at scinetific accomplishments and I disagree with him.

    He then talks about salvation and the only way to achieve this is through Christ. But he gives no evidence for this. He is He makes the same mistake as a JW. He uses scripture to make his argument, he might as well be using Lord of the Rings for all I care.

    I love the way he takes his jacket off around 10:35 - he would make a great chippendale.

    His discussion of the unbelieving Jews and Greek was laughable. I am sure I heard all those arguments when I was in the cult. In fact I could see a Do at an assembly having that rant. He said "The Greek liked everything except God's Truth". That type of "One Truth" mind set really pisses me off. He said the greeks would have seen this as bigotry and they would be right. IMO unless your assumption is falsifiable don't call it "truth".

    He talks about god's wisdom being found in the bible. Well as I have said so many time before, in amongst the hatred and bigotry, the barbarism and screwed up morals I can count the words wisdom in the bible on one hand, and they were probably taken from other cultures.

    Another annoying thing thing he said was "the cross says man cannot save themselves". Science has done far more for society than the cross ever has. Science has developed medical technology that really has resulted in people being saved.

    The cross is a symbol of ignorance and perpetuation of myth and fable.

    He constantly talks about the wrath of god. I find wrath petty. According to him If I am an enemy of god he will punish me, what a w*nker! I don't see that I need to change. He says I am a captive of the Devil. Did you not watch the video I posted about the Devil? How can I be captive of that construct?

    Apparently god chose to love us and save us, but only conditionally - again what a jerk!

    The genius of god, that god would send the second person of the godhead, to be a man, to be born of a virgin to be fully god and fully man. Brilliant!!!!! Sorry What???????? How is that brilliant? Now the unified theory of everything - that is brilliant!

    He keeps saying brilliant!!!!! His voice is now grating. It's worse than traffic noise. If he says brilliant one more time I am going to vomit. I do not detect genius.

    Only the mind of God could have designed the Cross!!!!! Well I would rather have the minds of science that designed the technology that makes my life easier, improves my life expectancy and figures out solutions to real problems.

    Arghhhhhh he talks about the Broad and narrow path - he is no different to a JW.

    He doesn't make one valid argument that appeals to reason or logic. Sorry mate that is 53 minutes of my life I will never get back.

  • unstopableravens

    cant leave well im sorry you reject him off the bat because he uses the bible., im glad you listen to him,he is a great man of god!

  • cantleave

    I didn't see any difference between him and other preachers I have listened to.

    Unstop - I didn't reject the bible because I wanted to, I rejected it because once I removed the Watchtower glasses I saw nothing to convince me it was any different to any other ancient book, reflecting the ignorance of the the time in which it was written, full of superstition, innacuracy and not at all compelling.

  • Satanus

    The first preacher that i met in person was a canadian, max solbreken. He used to be on the radio and my jw dad used to vilify him. I wasn't dffed yet. When he came to town, i was really curious and just had to meet him. I was scared shitless when i entered the church. He was the most kindest man. He told me to relax. Hr said he had been fasting for days.

    Then, there's bob larson. He had a spectacular radio show. Dealing w demons was his specialty. Naturally, i went to see him, when he came to town. His main theme was money, though. I got in free as someody that couldn't go gave me their ticket. During the show, he explained that all the proceeds had only covered a portion of the costs. He needed a few people to give a thousand, a few 500, a bunch 100 dollars, and so on.

    I'll never forget, one lady who was supposedly posessed started laughing. In a loud voice he demanded why she was laughing. She said, 'you have no power'.


  • cantleave

    Interesting Satanus, I didn't want to mention money, but we all know that religion is a snare and a racket......

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